go A Commentary rapon'the Goffiel Chap,ig were baptized, bear a white horfe, and gave it for their Arms. And Tertullian could fay in his time, that, Britannorum inacceffa Romanis local Chrilo tamenfubdita. Verfe13. That IWill doe.] 'Anundoubted argument ofChrifts Divinity,that he hears and grants - prayers. When the people, in Ahabs time, lawGod anfwering Elijah by fire from heaven, 001,18,39. they cried out, The Lord'he is God, the Lord he is Clod. O thou P[a1,65,z. that heareft Prayers, is a defcription the Pfalmift gives of God. Verfe 14. Ifye 'hall all¿, any thing, &c. This is not a vain re- scneca. petition. Arunquamfates dicitur, quodnunquamfates difcitur. When God fpake but once,David heard it twice : O that we wouldonce hear and believe, what Chrift for our comfort hath laid over fo often l Verfe 15. Ifye love Me, ,keep my commandements.] No better way to Peal up love, then by being obedient. How canft thou love me, faid the, when thy heart u. not With me ? Hufhai, to thew his love to ludg, z6. him , of infinuatingpa intoheflbfolom ö s c nfelsgro , andfdefeating them. - Verfe 16. And he 'hallgiveyou another Comforter] Or, pleader, Deprecator, Advocate. Properly it lignifies filch an one as we fend for,when weare in any danger, to advife & counfel us. The Devil is called the Accufer, in full oppo6tion to this name and title given here to the holy Spirit ; whole office it is (as this Attribute here imports) to make interceflìón in our hearts to God forus; and, upon our true Repentance to makeourApologie, x Cor.7.11. tocomfort us, by difcovering our graces, 1 Cor.z.iz. and byplead- ing our evidences, Rom.8.1R. which they that refufe to readover and reft upon, they help Satan theAccufer, taking hispart againft themfelves, and pleading his caufe againft the Spirit their Com-. forter. That he may abideWithyou for ever ] The Spirit (faith one) is Chrifts Vicar-Generals, with whom he leaves us, and, by whom,he is with us to the endof the world. Verle ,1 . Fothe dwelleth withyou] Next to the love ofChrift in dwelling in oùr nature, we may wonder at the love oftheHoly Ghoft, that will well in the dark dog-hole ofour defiled foules ; andbe there as th fe two golden Pipes, Zech. 4. thorowwhich.the two Olive branches empty out ofthemfelves the golden oyls ofall precious 71dcy:]Gh11T09. , Ka, n.06os. D, Sibbs.