Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Cbap.2 t . according to St.) oH N. Paid to the Smith, as he wasknocking in the fiable , Good fellow, knock it inhard , for the Bethwill have it's courfe. So , Rawlins AEUMon; White, Martyr, going to the flake , and meeting with his wife and fol.160ç. children, the fudden fight of them fo piercedhis heart, that the ve- ry tears trickled down his cheeks. But he foon after, as thoughhe had mifliked this infirmity ofhis Bella, began tobe as it were angry with himfelf, infomuch that in ftrikinghis breaft with his hand, he ufed thefe words , Ah flefh, flaieft thou me fo ? Wouldít thou fain prevail ? We11,I tell thee, do what thoucanft, thou (haltnot , by ,bid 1414. Gods grace,have thevictory. So Latimer in aletter toB. Ridley, Pray for me, I fay ; pray for me,I fay ; for I am fometimesfo fear-- /bid 1565, full, that I would creep into aMoufe-hole ; fometimes God doth vifit me againwithhis comforts: fo he cometh andgoeth,to teach me to feel and knowmine infirmity. Verle 19. By What death heJhouldglorifieGod.] Martyrdom is the loweft fubjeetion thatcan be toGod,but thehigheft honour.. Vcré magma eft Deus Chriflianoruna, TheGod ofthe Chrifiians+ is a grear God indeed, faid one Caloceriot a Heathen, beholding . the patient fufferings of the Primitive Martyrs. 7uftin Martyr confeffethof himfelf, that feeing the pietyof Chriftians in their lives, and their patience in death he gathered that that was the truth that they fo conftantly profeffed and fealed up with their blond. And ofoneAdriaruee it is reported, that feeing the Mar- tyrsfuller fuch.grievous things, he asked the caufe ? One of them, named that text , Eye hathnotfeen ,. nor care heard, . &c. The na- ming ofwhich words and feeingoffilch füfferings., fo converted him, that afterwards he became a Martyr. To account Chrift pre- cious as a treeof life,, though, we be faftned to him as to a flake to be burnedat, this is the greateft honourwe cando him upon earths This is tomagnifie Chrift, as Paul did,,Phil. I. 20. to follow Chrift clofe at heels, as `peter did here , who alto had the manner of his . death fore-told him, z Pet. i, 14.. As had likewife BifhopHooper, A&&atotai. when he had given him for his Arms, a Lamb in .a fiery 601,, and [91.1166. the Sun-beams from. heaven defcending down upon the. Lamb rightly purporting bywhat deathhe fho.uld glorifieGod. Verfe zo. Then Peter turning about." Teter, though reilo red and refettled in his Apoftlefhip, is not without his infirmities. They that are curedof a phrenfie, are not without their mad tricks RY;fq; altquid fometimes.. No pomgranate fo found, but hath one rotten ker,ainn fin abet hell in it, No book fo well printed, but hash forre. Crrata's.. Da- mama.. L3 vid_ 149