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150 A Commentary upon the Go ,bel Chap.2 r. P.fal.19, vidCaw fo many inhimfelf, that he cries out , Who can underftand the errors ofhis life, ols purgeme,&c. They that dream ofperfedión here, fuffer a merry madneffe. Verfe 21. And what Jhall this man do ? ] When Peter confl- dered that john was dearly beloved and yet not alike forwarned of fuffering death, as himfelf was , he began to doubt whether Chrift fpake this of love to him or not. Nothing is more ordina- ry with us, then to queflionGods affection, when we are in aflli- Cion : to conceiveheard things ofGod, and heavy things ofour felves , as ifno children , becaufe chaRized. Whereas we fhould learn to look thorow the anger ofGodscorrections, to thefweet- neíle ofhis loving countenance, as by a rain-bowe we fee the beau- tifull image of the Suns light in the midit of a dark and waterifh cloud. Seemy Love-Tokens. `Dolt.2. Vfe s. Verfe 22. IfI willthat he tarry.] Si cum volo manere. This the vulgarcorruptly reads , Sic cum volo manere. Ambrofe, Au- fin, Bede, Lyra, Rupert, &c. retain this reading. Trapezantius defends it, Beff'arionoppofeth it , the Greek text refutes it. Yet is the vulgar tranflation fo extolled andidolized by the Papifts,that if the Originals differfrom it any where , they mutt be corrected by it, andnot it by the Originals. Sed Hebr ei bibuntfontes, Graci rivos, Latini paludes, faithReuchlin. Verfe 23. Among the brethren.] So are ,all Chriflians. Santlior of copula cordis qucim corporis. That that Dtfciple Jhould not die.] Some to this day , deny that he is dead. Beza tels us of a certain Impoftour in his remem- brance , that gave out at Paris that he was /ohn theEvangelift and was afterward burnt at Tholoufe. Some have fabled that af- Mufcu'.i lac, ter hehad commanded his grave tobe made , andhad laid himfelf down in it, the next day it was found empty , andhe rapt up a- live into paradife , whence he flail come together withEnochand Elias at thelaft day to confound Antichrift , oquantum eft in rebus inane ! It is not for us to follow cunningly deviledfables,2 Pet. 1.16. but toattend to that fure word oftruth , as unto a light fhining, &c. v.19. accounting everyparticle of it precious, Piththe change ofone lettermay breed fo mucherror , and caufe fo much conten- tion. Verfe 24. This is the Difciple. ] Not the Doílor, the Ma- fier, as ,Magiftri noftri `Parifienfes. So the Sorbonifts will prof. in x.fc t, needs be h filled. The School-men have their Doctor Angelicas, poltor