Chap.2 I . according to St. JoH N. 15 I, poaor Seraphim , Dottor refoltatifmus: So Bacon the Car- melite was called , becaufehe would endure no gueffingor may- be's. The ItalianFriers, as they encreafe in their fuppofed holi- neflè , fo they proceed in their titles , from. Padre BenediElo , to Sands his Sur; Padre Angelo, then Archangelo , Cheaubino , and laf}ly ,. Cere- vey,&c. phino , which is the topof perfection Our Evangelifl delights not in any ofthefe fwelling titles. Hedoth. not fo much as name himfelf in all this workof his,takes no other Bile then the beloved Difciple, makes no moreofhimfelf then a witnefle to the truth, a recorder of what he hadheard and feen. Theproud perfon fpeaks z Pet.z.Ts, great fuelling words of vanity ; he lovesuppermoft rooms , and Matt.z3.6. tobe called Rabbi , Rabbi, to be cried up and pointed at for a. non-fuch. I hear, faith Tertullian (fpeakingof the Pope who thenbegan to peep out) that there is a Decree publifhed in perem- ptory tearms. Pontifex fcilicet Maximus,. Epifcopus epifcopo_ odifa,2umitli- rum, Crc. I ever hated the pride of that Roman Church ,, faith. :r ecciefie. Bafl. Ambition , like the Crocodile, groweth while it liveth ; xunc lupp9 dlnx»v appal- like theIvy , which rifing at the feet , will over-peer the higheft , tare jolitttsyh wall : Or, like the Marry-gold ( a flower of no good finell ) which opens and (huts wich the Sunne. Humility, on the con trary is like the Lilly, faithBernard, or Violet, which grows low to the ground, hangs thehead downward , and hides it felf with it'sown leaves.. It preferres the Euge of confcience , be- fore the Hicof ofthe world : and were it not that it's fragrant . finell betrayer itto the obfervation ofothers , would chufe to live . anddye in its well-contenting fecrecy. Verfe 25, I fuppofe that even the world it felf, &c..j Nec Chr f us , nec Curium' patitur hyperbolen , faith One.. In fpeak-- ing of Cheift or his Kingdom , a man can hardly hyperbolize... Much had.Saint fohn fail ofour Saviour yet nothing to what he might have faid. All that ever he did was ,divine , and defer- ved to oc chronicled. That commendation that Paterculeta falfe- Nihilist vità' ly gives to Scipio,that he never, inall his life did, (poke, or thought a ec ass m any thing , but what was praife-worthy , is true onlyof Chrif}. daxit,aut¡enft.' That which the Ecclefialicall Hiftory, relates ofBennus , that he Velleias. was;never feen or heard by any to fwear ,: lie, orbe rafhly angry, Sozoa).l.45.c.4j to fpeak or do any thing that befeemed not Gods fervant , is a praifeproper to Chrift , even as hewas man. But , confider him,_ as God ,, and then that of Gratian theEmperour is true, in his Epiile