I-52 A Commentary upon the Goff el, &e. Chap:2 $ iftle to SC Ambrofe, We fpeak ofGod,not fo mtuh as weought Dco,non p veo, non r¡xan. but fo muchas wecan. Nemo fapientiam Dei immenfam in omnem tum debemus, aterritatem exhauriet. He is indeed like the pool Palycritus writes fedquantum of, which in compaffe , at the firft , fcarce feemed to exceed the poffitfnus. bredth ofa fhield ; but if any went in to it to wait, it Extended it felf moreand more. Tantum recedit, quantum capitur, faithNazi- Citar.ab Arift. amen. When therefore the Apoftlefaith, That the itPelf de mirabil cafe, could not contain the boob! that fbouldbe written, Hoc non volt, faith Augufline, de mole librorum, nec de locali capacitate , fed quad Spiri- tusfan5tut noftri habuerit rationem, Vii' eafelegerit confcribenda, qu.e in bac infirmitate credentes capere point. A Table of fuch Texts of Scripture, as occafionally are explicated and unfolded in this Comment upon St JoxN. Page. Page. Page. 20 7er.25.30 66 \Heb.5.2 2a 27 Dan.12.z, 31 Heb.8.10 28 55 Dan.12.1I. 5 Heb.i2.25,:6 15 98 Hof.6.3 8o I Heb.13.3 20 50 Hof10.I Lames 5.20 26 5o Amos 6.12 33 1 Pet.I . 5 Sr 89 Nah.1.10 95 1 Pet.2.2t 26 Zeph.3.9 125 I Pet.3.I 25 55 Matt.5.14 77 I Lohn 5.10 ii 6 6 Matt.12.2o t02 I?ohn 5.13 104 Matt.24.24 58 Rcv.2.10 93 96 AEts2o.3o 58 Rev.2.23 61 2 a Cor.4.13 300 Rev.4.4 19 I Cor.6.II 102 Rev.4.6 89 56 1 Cor.II.28 82 Rev.6.2 89 136 alat. .2 17 1 Rev.1I.ti 56 99 Ephef.3.IÓ 8 Rev.II.B 23 61 Phil.3.11 145 109 I Tim.I.14 22 genefl48.22. .Exod:-u 5.r. Lev.19.23;&c. Numb.22.3,4. 79fhua 7.19. Sam.6.5. 3 Kings7.23 .Ezra6.10 lob 2.4 Tfalm 27.17 Efalm 42.3 '3'falm 15o.8 'Prov.8.22 Cant.5.1O jfai.6.I,2 .7fai.8.2o Ifai.27.I I Ifai.3o.18 Ifai.53.II FINIS.