Chap. ¡I3 A COMMK on EXPOSITION Upon the ACTS of the Apoíiles. CHAP. I. Verfe I. Ofall that7efl began &c.] F Herr. Stephan Ss could fay of Laertius, that he wrote the lives ofthe Philofophers aureo libelto illo in that golden book ofhis: And(as another Pe deRift. shath it)opereutili¡mo, &auro-contranon charo: GrÆC.l.z.c.ig: Howmuchbetter may the famebe faid of the Holy Evángelifts fetting forth theOracles and Miracles of Chrift and his Apoftles ? In the Monaftry at Ratifhon is a new Teftament written all in letters of Joh, Mani. gold, faith Melanchthon who faw it. Gold was not good enough loc. com. for fuch a purpofe. Verfe z. Hadgiven comncsndements ] As the Churches Law- giver, Efay33.zz.. i -Cord1.23. Verfe 3. Speakingof the things] Thofe that are leaving the world fhould leave wholfome counfell CO thofe that furvive them. PPP Verfe 4.