Bczain loc. Abbots his Geoe.r49. 4ret i' ir{;o7,1c 4 Commentary upon th. ACTS. Chap. r. Verfe 4. Wait for the promife] Andput it in fuit by their daily prayers, Luke I I.13. Verfe 5. Skill be baptized] See Matt. 3.11. Verfe 6. Ref ereagain] They dreamt of a diftribution ofho- nours andoffices here on earth , as in the dayes ofDavid and Sa- lomon. Verfe 7. It is not foryou] This key God carries under his own girdle. Verfe 8. ?After that the holy Cjhoft is come uponyou] Monta- nats the Herefiarchwickedly affirmed , that , next unto the Apo files, this Scripture was fulfilled uponhim and his curtezan philu- mena. Prodigiousblafphemy I And ejufdem farina a loafofthe fame leaven it is, that the Turks beleeve that whenChriftfaid that although he departed,. he wouldfend the Comforter , it was added in the text eAAnd that 'hall be M ahomet : but that the Chriftians in malice towards them, have razed it out. Verfe 9. Anda cloud] Looknot therefore forrevelations front heaven ( faith an Interpreter) but fearch the Scriptures , for they are they that teflifie otChrift° Verfe to. Looked fledfaftly] Or intently;wifhtly,as taken with that fweet fight. See the Note onMatthew 28.7. Verfe II. Shallfo come] De tempere negry, not a word ofthe time when , in anfwer to that over-curious queftion Verfe 6, Salomons temple was finned in the yeare of the world 3000. whether Chrifts flail be confummated in 3óo0.. more, I have net to fay. Verfe 12. From themount] Neer untowhichhe hadbeen ap- prehended, viz. at Bethany. ,.oyjaderior Verfe 13. They went into an upper roome] As molt remote pars domua from company, and fo fitteftfor Gods fervice. In Madrid it is a Spartaaorum cuftome, thatexcept fome compofitionbe made, all the upper tinguaEuíìath. roomes oftheir dwellings belong to the king. Let the fpiritsof Heyl.Geogr° our minds be referved for God. cp?° 59° Verfe 14 With the women] Who might make mafeuline pray lt,4,z3. ers , having eyes lilZe thepooles in Hefhbon, Cant. 7.4. Verfe 15. Thenumber ofnames ] Nominum, ideft,hominum, or ofthe cheiftaines that were fit to at in the election. Verfe 16. Brethren ] Not underlings, as Popifh Bifïiops, who mullfay`Placetto that which in thePopes name is propofed to them, Park 18.