Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap.'. A Cvmeatentary upon lb? ACTS. r T 5 Verfe a8. Age' alt his bowels pefast our] &cat?fe he had no bowels ofcompafbon toward hisMafter, he bttrft in the midit . , with a hugecrack, (as the wordfignifieth) bya fingular judgement E tve` ofGod. So Foxford , Chancellour to the Bifhopof Lo4on a cruel) Henry the Eighths time, died fuddeniy in his Chair; his belly beingburft, and his guts falling our before him. Aft. & Mon: So Arriur voiding out hisbowels, fent his foul as anharbinger tofa thedevil) to provide roome for his body. `Papian (that ancient Millenary, fcholarto Saint yohn) tells us, that ?ssdas havinghang'd In z radátioni himfelf, the rope brok , and he lived fome time after, andmain Trad s vo. crufht todeath by the fall of acart that was topaffe by him : But cot ADoftolicia this is a meet. f lion ofhis, and it gives us caufe tocredit Eufebitu., who faith that this Papias, thoughmuch reverenced for opinionof Eufeb, RiA his holinefie and learning, yet was homo inSenji pertenuis a {lender- wittedman. Verfe 19. rheirproper tongue] i. e. In theSyriack tongue: for the Jewes,inthe Babvlonifh captivity,loft theirlanguage. Verfe 2e. In the book,o fPfahnes ] That commonMagazine of ahoy Td, c- wholefoaie lefrons, as Bajahath it. or a 5a a7v d3- Verfe at.. wherefore ofthefe ] To make up the breach again : dàyuáre o- like asthe crownedSaints fill up the roome inheaven ofthe Apo- ftateAngels. Verfe 22. Muff one be ordained ]. To anfwer the ancient Types. Verfe a?. Jofeph called Barfabas ] The Centurifts think that this ?ofeph Barfsbau was the fame with that ofescalled Barabas afterwardsby the Apoilles, Aar 4.36.. This 7ofeph feeing it was Gods mind not tomake choiceofhim now to succeed in the Apoftlefhip, was content with a lower condition : therefore af- terwardsGod called him to that height and honourable officeof anApoftle. Verfe 24. which knoaaaef thehearts ] Thdes a Milesrat, i i .f fp. entiffimna interfeptenafuijje creditor, iaterrgattte scrum la eret Dees inftfle agens ? refpondir, Ne cogitans gttidem. ?hales beingasked whether evilldeeds arehidden fromGod ? anfwered, No, nor e- tillthoughts neither. Verfe 25. 7o tohis ownplace] A place of his own providing and that he had purchafed with that wagesofwickedneffe verfi 8. Eeflartnine tells of a defperate advocate in the court of Rome, who being exhorted on his deathbed to make his peacewithsod, PpP 2 made