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iaó 13elta:m de arte rtoriendi G.Z.cap.I0. Cor. 5 7. Diod. Sic. ,elntiq. I,.3.' Horas. Breerwoods enquiries. 'A Commentary upon the ACTS . Chap.2. made thisfpeech to him : Lord, i' have a word to fayto thee, not Pelf, but for my wifeand children. Egornim propero ad in.. feros, neque eft tit aliquidpro me agar. lor I am hafting to hell; neither is there any thing that I would beg of thee in mine own. behalf. Arid thishe fpake, faithB'llarmine (whowas by thewhile) as boldly,and without fear , as if he hadbeen but to takehis jour. nit}, oneiy to force neerneighbouringVillage. Verfe 26. They gave forth their lot] Either into the bofom, Prov. i6.33. or lap , .or pot , ox forne other vetfell in ufefor that purpofe. CHAP. .II.. Verfe i. Andwhen the day -of l'entecofl]` iHis Peaft was inftituted in remembrance òf'the Law delivered to Moles in theMount, fifty dayes after their departure out love er'eb Rom. andefhed brio d the fiftieth, thereby 5.5 ) day after that Chrift our Paffeover was facrificed for us. Verfe 2. Aa of a rufbingmig htywind]. Nefcit tarda molimina gratinSpiritus fanPli, faith eflmbrofe. The Spirit of God is a Spi, rit.of power. z Verfe 3. Cloven tongues] Teaching them both óq Tour,'. todig vide theword ;aright, and alto ópß-ii 4 i , as. föme will have it ; their tongues being cloven, as their feet were, into toes , teaching them too, to foot it aright. .Dioder,u Sicules tellsus of a certaitt handbeyondArabia,the Inhabitants whereofhave cloven tongues, fo that therewith they can alter their fpeech at their pleafure, imi- tate the tunes of divers birds, and (which is more ftrange) .they canperfe6ly (peak to twoperfons, and to twopurpofes at once ;. to one with one part of their tongue andto another ith the o- ther part ; Sed fidesfit penes , -Iu:horem.; beleeve it, Verfe 4. As the Spirit gave them utterance] ce,torpaiy;o09u2 to, utter divine Apophthegmes grave and gráeious fentences, or ra- ther orkOs; thofe Magnolia Dei, verf. i i. Mirabilia legs, Pfal. 119. i 8. (See 2 Pet, 1.2T.).cedro,digna 4erite cera: Verfe 5. Ind therewere dwelling, &è.] Even in 7erufalerrà (for . their ancient Idolatries , and latter unthankful ACWit) there benot. to be found_at this hundred hou(holdsOf Jews. _ Verfe