Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap.2 . A Cam/mentor, upon the ACT S. '117 Verfe 6. Were confounded] Or troubled, tranfported, amatecÇauYEXN. and amufed, asverf. 7. Verfe 7.. Galilean.] crafoque fish aerenati. Ma tialr. Verfe S. Everyman in our oitn.tongue] Cleopatra was fo ski1- full in the Eaftern tongues,that the couldreadily anfwer the Ethio- pian,. Hebrew , Arabian; Syrian, Median,ParthianEmbaffadours that came unto her ; turning and tuning. her tongue with cafe (as. awe '6P)avov: an inftrument of many ftrings;faithPlutarch) to what dialet` n TogvZgA ever file lifted. Verfe 9. Pàrthians andModes, &c.] T1ofe ftrangers of the difperlion. I Pet. i. r.. Verfe io. prop/yes] 7ethrowas the firft Profelyte to the Jew- ifh ,Church; that we read of in Scripture. Verfe rz The xnonderft t workr] The Magnificall, Majefticall ''things of God - :. they praifed: hire according, to his excellent P" i.'5° r. greatneflé. Verfe r3. Others mocking, raid, ThereMen, &c.] .x,À-u ormi contumelioufly cavellingas thofé Ep'icirres at Athens did, AtIs zß.32 And that MockerDoctor Morgan,. who being fet to examine Ma- iler Philpot Martyr, askedhim , How'knowyou thatyou havethe -, fpirit of God-? Philpot ; By the Faith-ofChrift whirlyW ; in me. Ah, byFaith; do you fo (quoth Morgan) ?.1,weene itbe, the fpirit of the Buttery , which. your, fellows'.havehad, that have been burned before you, who were drunk before thev.went to Act» & Mon, their death, arid I weene went drunk unto it Philpot replyed : .It;foi.1653.: appeareth byyour communication, that you arebetter acquainted: withthe fpiritof the Buttery, then with:the fpirit of God. Thou haft the fpirit of Ialufron, and,Sophiftry,which is not: able to coun- tervail the fpirit of truth. And God , I tell thee ,:fhall.rain fire, and briìnftone upon fuck fcorners:of his Word, and blafpheiners of his people as thou art, &c..- Verfe r4. But"Peterflandinzg up1 Buckling clofe to them:,: and ,,,a,2 confi not firffering them to carry it away fo : Conflantem (r prafenten" Petri .animumdeclarat. Beza. Verfe 15. Seeing-it 4but thethird houre]- This was then asar- gument more then probable. Nowmen aregrown filchhusbands,. Mi. Harris.,. as that by that time, they will return their flocks, and. have their brames crowing before day. Verfe 16. But this is that Thus theoldTeftamentis fulfilled.: to-theNerd. - .. QP 3 Verfe.