Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

R Commentary upen the ACTS. Chapa. Verte 17. hi the lafi- dayes] God keeps his befttilllaft. Not fo the Devill. drillpoure out of my #irituponall fefh] The heft thingupon thebafeft Oh wonderful) goodnefle Verfe 18. Andon minehandmaids]Souis have no Sexes.Gal.;.a8. Verfe 19. Wonders in heaven] See ?Gel 3.15. Matt. 24. 29. .Mar. r3. 24. Luk2i. 2.5. Verfe 2o. The Sushall be turned] He feernsto fet forth the great troubles of theworldunder the Gofpel. Verfe 21. Shalbe faved] Therefore tobeableto pray is bet, ter then to beable toprophefie. Matt. 7.22. Verte 22. mari] From Adam, bent not by4dam. Verfe 23. And by Wicked hands &c.] Facings vincire cive,» Romanum; faiththe Oratour. Itwas much(maywefay) fortheSon of God tobebound, more to be beaten, moft of al/ tobe (lain. Ouiddicam in crucem tolli ? &c. Verte 24. It ryas not pa blet For he was Life effentiall , and therefore fWallowed up `Death invilorie. I Cor 15.54. Verte 25: Be moved] Toffed as a Ihipby ternpeft. Verfe 26. My tongue] Heb. My glory. With the tongue blette we God. ?am 3.9. which is the beltwayof enobling it. Verte 27. My foul in hell] That is,My body in thegrave. So Revel. 2o. 13. Death and Hell. s. e. the grave, are caft into the burning latte. To the three degrees of our Saviours lntmiliation, are anfverable the three degrees of hisexaltation ; To hisDeath, hisRefurrec`tion : to:his Bnriall,hisAfcention : to his abode a while irrthe grave, hisfitting at the right hand of his heavenlyFather.. Verte 28. Thou haft made known] i.e. Thou giveft me expe- rience, or thou haft made me partaker of. Verle 29. Hisfepulchre is withus] Repaired, likely, when the Citywas rebuilt. See Matt. 23.29. Verfe 3o. Dut of thefruit of his loyns] That is, Out of theVir- gin Mary : The fonne of whole fecundines Chrift was,being heaven without hands out of that Mountain. Dan.. z. 45.. Verfe 31. Neither his ph] It was apions error in thofegood women that embalmed his,body, topreferve it from corruption. Verte 32 HaloGOdraifddup] eípdam died, and. we hear no moreof him; but the fecond Adam rofe, and reignethfor ever. Verle 33. Exalted] Se the note inverf 27. Verte 34. Is not afcended] viz, Bodily , and to fit at Gods right