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Chap.2. et Commentar' upon the Ac Ts. tag right hand, as Kingof the Church : that's ChriftsRoyaltie. Verfe 35. Thy footf!ool] They that will not bend (hall break: Chrift will fetch inhis Rebels, and fet his feet of fine bráffe on the necksof them. Revel. t . r 5 Verfe 36 Lord andChrift] iwefah the Prince. Dan. 9.25. Verfe 37. They werepricked] Pundually pricked and pierced, 4,7,,,,,,),4, ya ; They felt the Nails, wherewith they hadcrucified Chrift , fucking fait in their own hearts , as fomany {harp daggers , or flings of SAof., Scorpions. 2 (or. 11. . Sin is let forth by a word that fignifieth "°4"'' theheadof a bearded arrow flicking in the flefh. After that So- crates was put to death at eAethesàs, e riftophanes rehearfed aTra- gedy of his concerning Palamedes who had been executed by the Grecians long before, at thefiege of Troy. In this Tragedy were thefe Verfes rehaveflairt,ye have'lain ofcreeks the very heft, Exravii br'- ( Ay me that never any did infeft. TaceTf hlwr, The people at the hearingof thefe lines were fo moved that P p Tñv a'ndiav they prefently fell upon the authors of Socrates his death, and xvo Rya ßt;á.. drew them forth to punifhment. Oh that we could be as nimble ,}at+Ta. to apprehend and beavenged upon our fins, thecaufeofChrifts death, &c. Verfe 39. PeterPaidonto them , Repent] Belike then they had not yet repented ? for all they were pricked at heart.. Nay , Peter ravarto's prefcribes it for a remedy ; which taxeth their folly that take the difeafe for the remedy , and are over-forward to minifker. com- fort , or ere menhave forrowed after God , and to a tranfmen- ration. Verfe 39. Even as many], The Devil fweeps all.(ofmaturitie) that are not called, as out of the Covenant. Verfe 40. Avitb many Words didhe teftifie]. InGodsname, for chs;ualn p`ro, his fake,and by his authority, as Paul chargedTimothy 2 Tim.2.14. and as Bradfordbefpake his friend; I befeechyou, Iprayyou, I dc- fire you, Icrave at your hands withal! my veryheart. I ask of you withhand, pen, tongue,and mind : in Chrifl, through Chrifi , for A&. &Mon.. Chrift :for his name, bloud, mercy, power,and truths fake,that you f 1490. admit no doubting of Gods final mercies towardyou, howfoever you feel your fell, &c.. Verfe 41. Werebaptifed] Theygave up their names toChrift, xnd took his mark upon them. Verfe 42. Dottrine and fellofvfhip] So the ?hilippians, chap.t.. 5. See the Note.. Verfe