Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

.i2p, A.CoYnrner.tary upon the ACTS. Chap.3-. Verfe 43. Fear cameupon] The enemies wereover-awed,and durft not mute, or attempt againft the Church. Verfe 44. Were together] There is'a fpeciall tYe to conftancy in the communionof Saints, and communitig of fupplies. Verle 45. eXndfold] So Tyrua when once converted../fay 23.17,18. Verfe, 46. Breaking-bread] Friendly feeding together, and (af Moru rat ter their love-feafts) celebrating the Lords Supper, every Lords- eonve/ci & da at leaft : Whence it was anciently called 'Panes Hebdomadarits. convivara ér Y celebrare cæ.. That of GeorgeTank.erfeild, a Martyr in Qleen .Maries dayes, was nam Dom. Singular and extraordinary. For when the hour drewon that he Tel ad. Should fuffer, he called fora pint of Malmefy and a loaf, that he might eat and drink that in remembrance of Chrifts Death and Paffion, becaufe he couldnot have itminiftred unto him byothers, inSuchmanner as Chrift commanded. And then he kneeled down, making his confeffioñ to the Lord , with all which were in the chamberwith him. And after thathe had prayed to theLord, and had read the Infcitutionof the holy Supper by the Lord.Jefus; out of the Evangelifts , andout of Saint Paul, he faid; OLord, thou knoweft, I donot this toderogate authority from any man, or in contempt of thofe !vhich are thy Minifters; but onely becaufe I cannot have it miniftred according to thy Word. And whenhe had fo fpoken, he received it with thankfgiving, &c. Verfe 47. Such as fhould be faved f Heirs of the Kingdom , ram. 2. Heads deftinated to the Diadem, faith Tertullian. CHAP. III. Verfe. T. At the hour ofprayer] THe Jews had theirRataprecibus tempora, Set hours of prayer.: See Pfal 55. 17. Dan. 6. Io. Ali. Io.3. 3e. Verfe z. To ask alms] This ought not tohave been fuffered Deut.15. There .might not be a begger in Ifrael. But all was out oforder, as it ufeth to be among a peoplenigh to deftru'ion. Verfe 3. Asked analms] The Dutch béggers asknot, but look pitifully. Verfe 4. Look on us] Together with this word there went forth a power; as Luke 5. 17. . - Verfe 5. expefing] God wasbetter to him thenhis expeta- tion.