Chap. 3 . CoMmentary tapon the Ac TUS Iai trios, 'God preffetli-k ndnefeuponhis fuitors, and heapeth it upon them, asNamnán upon cehezi, 2 Icing. 5. , Verfe 6. Silver and goldhave Ì none] The new elected Pope in -his folemn Liter-an Proeeflioli , muft take Copperout of his Chamberlains lap, and fcatteé it among the people, faying, gold': andfiver have I none. Whenas-Petrarch.writeth,.that when Pope_D.Hail's Epift. Iohn 22. .dyed , his heirs found in t his treáfurie a5o. tunsof gold. Pecracla. And when Pope Boniffce the eight was taken , andplundred fry Philip the Fair, Kingof France, there was more fiore of Treafure_ carried out of hispalace,then all the Kings of the earth cóuld- fhevii again, faiththeHifforiLtn. EveryPopehail theJigne ofthe Croffeon his PantoHefhining glorioüfly with Pearls and',precious- Hones ret plenis faucibuscrucemChrifii derident,faith mine Author, Heide;fcid, in deri onof Chrifts Croffe. _ Verfe s7ß feet andancle-boner] The Lord raifeth them that are cronikeklybut (asa further favour , and far better then that for- mer) .-be:1oveth the righteous.: g¡al. 146. 8. as he did this Cripple, whom he healed on the infide alto. Verfe : 8. Into.the Templej There to hang up his crutches, as it were: Verfe 9. Praifing. God] Not the Apoftles. We may pay the Met1eiger, butreturn thanks,chietly to the Sender. Verfe io. flndthey k zew]There.couldbe therfáreno collufion. Verfe i r. Held Peter andJohn] Fearing perhaps, left if he fhould lofe them ; he fhould lofe his Ems again. So that demoni-_ ack, Mark., 5. r 8. : :r Verfe 12. why look ye] We are. ready to pay our rent to a_ wrongLand- lord. Verfe 43. Denyedhim] Cryingout, Wehave no King but Cie- far, ?ohn49. Verfé r4. Satye:denyed] This he againbeats upon, and drives home to the head Verle 15. end k;lled] Wherein they were but our work- men, Zech. 12. I O. Verfe 16. Andhl- name] That is , Chritt himfelf , as Gods name -is oft put for:Gods .felf: . Verfe 17. - I Wot that throisgb ignorance] -Peter excufetñ not theirfact, but thus farforth .mitigateth it, that it wasnot the lui againit.the;holyGhoft, whichcan neverbe forgiven.. This muf}be carefully cautioned, and the weak informed,that they defpair not:., Q.9 9 :. This