122 A Commentary upon the ACTS. Chap.3, This irremifíible : fin, iswilfullblafphemingof God., and thework . of his Spirit , out of revenge Hob. to. 29.. A will to crucifie Chri{t again. Verfe 18. By the mouth of all his Prophets] All the Prophets. ÌÌake but withone mouth : fuck a. fweet content, and happyhar- snony there is inall their writings, as if done byone onely. Verfe Iq. Repent and be converted] The firft word compre. hendeth Contrition andConfefiìon. The fecond,. Faith and Re- formation. The firft, Repentancefor fin : The fecond,Repentance from fin. Dapcenitentiä,&poieaindulgentiä,laid dyingFulgentius. srowcaBce- Verfe 20. Preacheduntoyou] Or handed to you orr put into. 'v0Y your hands. Verfe 21. whom the heavens muff receive twill, &c.] Note . this againft the Ubiquitaries : whofe error was firft broached by gerfon,about the timeof theCouncell.of ('onf{ance.. Afterwards, defendedat Paris, by Jacobus Faber Stapulenfas,.effn.. Dom..i 524.. whowas therefore banifhed the next yeer. , out of France. But S ultet Annal. Luther brought it intoGermany,.Breratie ftickled for it,.andSmi- delinusobtruded ituponmany even againft their wills ; and was . therefore called the Apoftleof theUbiquitie.. The Authourofthe PraEtice of Pietie thus diitinguifheth.. Secundtsm effe naturale II,atibf..PietY. Chrif rms non eft nbique , fecundum effeperfonale Chriflus eft ubique, P. I% even thebody of Chrift.. It was objeCted.as an Herefie againft Aft.andMon. Thomas ManMartyr ,.. that he had affirmed , That the Father of (ò1q46, Heaven wastheAltar,and the fecond Perfon theSacrament and. that upon theAfcenfion day ,.the. Sacrament attended upon the Altar, and thereabideth í}i11. Vntill the times of Reffitution] This Plato hammered at inhie . greatRevolution when,after many thoufands of yeers,áll.things (hall be againffatu quo prisms, as they were at firft, Verfe as Like untome] I.A.man, as I am. 2. AProphet, and more then a Prophet , the Arch-prophet _, to whom .Mofes mlift . voile bonnet. Verfe 23. Shall bedeflroyed] As it júí lÿ befell the refraftory Jews; wrath came upon them totheutmoft..1 Thef. z._t6. Vegrte 24. eflll the Prophets] The Prophet Efay efpecially,. Hierom, whoTpeaks more likean Evangelift then a Prophet, and is there. fore called the Evangelicall. `Prophet. Verfe a.5. 2"e are the children] Here he comforts thernbeing now cafe down. CH A P Vorfe. 26. To blefreyos ] EphefI.3