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Chap.4. A Commentary upon the ACTS. I23 CHAP. IV. Verfe r. TheCaptain of the Temple] He Jews had a band ofGarrifon-Souldiers deputed for the krviceand fafetyof the Temple, Matt. 27.65. Thefe Forces bad many officers, Luk. 22.4. and one Chieftain, here called their S-66100% Captain : As in their warswith the Romans afterwards, Elea4 the ton of Ananiu the High-Prieft was in this office, a bold and proudyouth, as yofephru defcribeth him. Verfe 2. Beinggrieved] Being fick of the Devils difeafe, as Moabwas, Num. 22.3, 4. frettingandvexing at Gods Ifrael , and eating up their own hearts, becaufe they could not tear out theirs. Verfe 3. Put them in hold] In the Sergeants-ward not in the poleor dungeon. Goddoth by degrees inure his to fiiffer hard- mists. fhip. Panciorer (faith Capito in an Epiftle to the brethrenof Ba- flea)vob[ cumperimuntur,quod it. Domino vifum eft ut /tabiliantur feulenibuaplaavijs, &fernentismollú+ribusplantula inarbores maxi mu proditura. God tempteth not his above what they are able, I Car, Io. 13. Verfe 4. aflnd the number] A goodly Increafe. The Lilly is plan; Paid t6 be' increafedby its own juyce that flows from it. So the Church. Verfe 5. On themorrow] Malice is reftleffe. Stephen Gardiner would not fit down to dinner till he had heard of the Bithops Ate.& Mon; burnt at Oxford: fol. i622. Verfe 6. AndAnnas] The fame old man,1ti11 nochangeling, ñ 7PV 7.4 )1 as it was faid of Helena. Verfe 7. By what power] Gods ? or the Devils ? in Gods name, or by theblackart ? Verfe i r. Youbaailders] Such you fhould be, and profeffe to Tertut: be,fedadificatis in ,g'ehennam, ye build backward. Verfe 12. For there is no other name] We have no co-faviour, we need no other Matter of Requefts inHeaven, but Chrilt. Say we of Popifh Saints and Mediators, as that Heathen did ,ntem- no nainutulos iftos dens , modb 7ovem propitium&tbeam. William Tracy Efq; in Hen. the eighths time made it in his Will , That he woud have nofunerall pomp at his buriàll,that he pafléd not upon Aet, &Mon. a Mane, that he Crafted in God onely, andhopedby him to be út.953 Qq q z Paved,