Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

i a . A Commentary upon the ACTS. Chap.4 faved, andnot by any Saint , &c. Hereuppost hisbody was taken up andburnt, as an Heretick, eflnno 15;2. , Some Schoolemen (faith Aco i4.) promife falvationwithout the)knowledge of Chrift. And Sleidan tellethus, That at the Councell of Trent , the falvationof Heathens , by the foie ftrength of Nature , without Chrift, was much talked of. And, Venaror the Arminian faith, I dent thisPro- pofition,Nv;man can be faved that isnot fet into Chrift by a lively EraFin.inTræ. faith. The Divines of Collen fet forth a Book De falute Arifto- fac. adTuft. telis. And Erafmus (whether in Jeff or earneft, I know not) ufeth cie.quæftiones. this Letany, Vix pofjùm, me continere quin dicam Sanéte Socrates ora pro nobis. Verfe .13. Vnlearned and ignorant men] Indolos elegit Chrí- ífus & idiote , fed oculavit in prudentes :.fimulquedona dedit &mi- nifleria. The prinùtive perfecutours flighted the Chriftians for a company of bard illiterate fellows : and therefore they ufed to paint the God of the ,Chriftian5with anAffeshead, and a book in his hand, faithTertn Tian ; tofigniie, That though they pretended learning, yet they werefilly and ignorant people. Bifhop fewel in his Sermon upon Luk; 11.15. cites thisout of Tertullian , andap- plyes it to his times. Do not our Adverfaries the like , faith hea- gainft all that profeffe the Gofpell ? Oh, fay they, Who are.thofe that favour thisway ?None but Shoomakers, Taylors,;Weavers, and fuch as never were at the Uriverfitie. Thefe are the Pifhpps own words. Bifhop White faid in open Court , fome few Yeer$ .lance , That the Puritans were all a company of Blockheads. The Jefuites fay the fame of all the Proteftants.; and that the Empire iaenesej tì of learning is within their dominion onely. But have theynot teoarurn ko?pa riarm. Eudain, picks up thebeltof their cruets under our tables ? andhavenot igCafaub. our Engliffi Fugitives exceeded all their fellow- Jefuites, in (hewof wit and learning? Verfe 14. They could fay nothing] The Arabian Interpreter adds, Vt authoritate uterentur in eos,That they might punifh them.. They were cleerly convinced and yet ran awaywith the bit be- tween their teeth, they would hold their own howfoever, left they fhould be taxedof lightnefle.. VA 15. They conferred] Sicfeftucam, qu.erentes unde oculos fibi erWlr,,as Bernard hath it ,.They foughtftraws to put out their own eyes withal!. Verfe 16. ,r4 notable miracle]; A lignall fign that all the Count trey rang of. ßrfe T,ó.