Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap.4. R- Commentary upon the Ae s . Verle 17. That they(peak,henceforth to "none) They mull cut out their tongues then : for,asnewwine, they m.ufc vent orburft. When Valens theArrian Emperour threatned Bafil with banifh_ ment, torment, death, &c. Let him frightbabies, fail he , with fuch bug-beares, and not me. Hemay takeaway my life, but not my love to the Truth. Verle 18. Command them not-tó ff>tkat all] So in the year ofgrace 494.. Anaflafius_the Emperour perfecuted thofe that puled:chsv,otd would not obey anEdid of his, That no man fhould commend or condemne the Councel of(halcedon. So Heracti es commanded that none fhould fay , That there waseither one or two Wills in our Saviour Chrifl:. So, the Jefuitesnot long fince "fet forthan E- Hey1.Goo'. lief atToga,that none fhould fpeakof.God ; either ingoodfort, or in bad. . Verfe 59. whether it be right, 65-t,..3 This wasaprinciple held faft by the very;Heathens. Antigona in Sophoclesfaith, Magls ob- temperandum, eft Diis apud quoi diutius manendumeritquìim homi- nibtu, quibufcum admodumbrevi temperevivendum eft. Better o- beyGod with whomwe mull ever live, then men withwhom we have but awhile to continue. AndEuripides faith well Should inPhaniJfr; 'wenot obey the commands ofPrinces? Nan, f impia, injúfla, 6 male imperatafnt : No,if they command evill things. And in I phigenia, Obedicmru.,inquit, Atridáshorsefla mandantibus: fin ve- ro inhonefla mandabunt nonabedicmuo. Verfe 2o: Forroecannot butJpeab3 As Crafin his dumb fonne Av37,4) uai didfor his father.. , xrevs my $e9 Verfe 21. `Finding nothing hoW 3 With what face they could `a0r- doany thing-againff them though their fingersèven itched. to be doing fomething Bitçe , fo carried himfell here in England, that Aft & Mons neither his friends could füfhcientlypraife , nor his foes find any fault withhim. And for. Luther, Non, leve prnjudicinmof , faid Erafmus, tantam effe morum integr,itatem, ut nec hofles reperi aut quod calumnientur..His life is fo unblameable that his greateff ene- mies cannot blemifh him. Becaufé of the people j Thofe that are molt terrible to others arenot without their terrors. - Dionyftts the tyrant durft not be barbedbut by his own daughters. Mafiniffa Ding of N*nidia, committed theguard ofhis body todogs ; which he could fooner trt , then men, whom he had by his cruelty difpleafed and provoked. (Zq q 3 Verle 24>