I 26 A Commentary upon the ACTs. Chap. q. Verfe al. Lord] Mall:er, Controuller, Thou that madeít and A:=77 u. manageft all things. Pitch upon fit attributes of God in prayer. Verfe 25. Theheathen rage ] Or, make a firs?. The devil! being call out of heaven makes a doe , fodo unruly fpirits led by him. Verfe 26. Gathered together] Heb. Took counfell together. Theyplot and plow mifchief to the Church : but all in vain, Bfale 37. 52. }ob 4.8. Verfe 28. For to doWün.tfoever, & c. ] Divinum confilium dum Greg. devitatur , impletur. Humana fapientia dum reluctatur, compre- henditur. Verfe 29. 'Behold their threatnings] The Church fares the bet- ter for the menaces and blafphemies of their enemies. quo ma- ("is' ill! furunt, eó amplius piocedo, faith Luther. Verfe 3i. The place was fbaken ] So God tePtified to his Church that he Choke them, as men do young trees, to fettle them, Hag.2.7. God fhaketh all nations, not to ruine,but to refine them: as by rottinghe refineth our dead bodies, Phil.3. zr. Tend Verfe 32. Were of one heart] In primitivaEcclefa, faith one, f;hrifliani animo, animaque inter fe mifcebantur, erg omnia printer uxores , indifcreta habebant. Sed fraternitas omnis hodiè extin- îla efl , unanimitas primitiva non tantum diminuta (de quo Cyprianus fuis temporibus queritur) fed e medio penitu-sfubla- Pucric. zun. i z ta efJ'e videtur. One ancient Greek copy hath there words ad- Not. adClem. ded to the ordinary reading , Neither was there anycontroverfe Den ex Bed2. at all amongft them. Verfe 33. greatgrace was upon themall] Dropped down, as it were, upon them from heaven. God it is that faihioneth mens opinions, and maketh them think well ofus. He gave Salomon honour as well as wifdom. And of him it was, that whatfoever `David did, pleafed the people. 'Paul goesto Godfor acceptance of his fervice : which yet was the bringingof aimes. And filch are ufually very welcome. Verfe 34. Neither was there any] This got them fo much fa- vour among all. Heathens acknowledged that therewas no filch love awamong Chriftians. Verfe 35. According an he hadneed] The diftributionwas done with difcretion. See Pfal.112.5. King Edgard the Sixth moved thereto by a Sermon of Bifhop hidleys,gave Chriíls- Hofpitall, the of Savoy,