Chap.5. ACommentaryupon the ACTS. 127 Savoy, and Bridwell for the tire ofthepoor, i by impotency; 2 by Speeds awn.' cafualty; 3 by ill-husbandry, with fngular difcretion. , oc4or Taylor Martyr took the ablef't of his pariíhioners onceafortnight to the Almefhoufe, and among other poor men., that had many Aft. & Mon. childrenorwere fick,to rte what they lacked inmeat, drink,bed- ding, oranyother neceflaries, and procured a fupply forthem. Verfe 36. Sirnamed Barnabas ] See theNote on Chap.1. 23. withPhilem.7. Verfe 37, e 4t the Apofiles feet ] As the fittefl place. Do wee tread upon thefe minerals, and cannot wee contemne. them? CHAP. V. Verfe 1. With Sapphira his Wife 3 HEr name fignifieth Beautiful!, or Specious. She might be on the outmode , as thofe apples of Sodous, the Egyptian: temples or Jewifh fepulchres : but her heart was.rotten, and not right withGod. Hypocrites arc called Vipers(Matt.3.7.)which are outwardly fpecious, inwardly poyfonous. The Swan is white in feathers,but ofablack skin:, and was therefore reputed unclean,, 'andunmeet for facrifice. Verfe 2. efnd hpt back.. part ] Interverted , purloyned , nimm'd it away. Here was a concurrenceofhypocrifie,facriledge,. c1'oa'f;ax7O. diffidence, and ambition : for he would be thought as good as the belt, and therefore laid that he brought at the Apodes feet, &c. Hypocrites (hall be uncafed No goat in a fheepskin fhall Real on Chrifis righthand at the lafl day. Verfe 3. why hathSatan] The firff motion of fellinghis pot feffon wasof the holy GhoRR : but, Beelzebub had loon fly.- blown and corrupted it. Verfe 4. gra,s it not thineoWn ? ] Wickedmen have a right to earthly things as their portion, ?fa/..17.14. God gaveTyrus to, Nebuchadnezzar. Verfe 5. Felldown and gaveup ] So did Nightingall,`Parfonw ofCrandall by Canterbury who,on aShrove-fiinday reading to the people the Popes Bull ofpardon lent into Englandby Cardinal:A&. &Mon; Toole, fell fiiddenlydown deadout ofthe Pulpit , and neverfair-fax 4.17.. red hand or foot witnefiéd by all the country round about., Philbert