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Is 4 Commentau upon the ACTS. Chap. g; Fhilbert HamlinMirtyrçhad inftruEtedinzhé truth' a certainPreift: his Hoft, who afterwards revcíted. Hamlin prophecyed to him) that nevertheleftehefhould-dyebeforehim. He had no fooner fpoke the word; but the Preift góingout ofthe prifon was flain by two Gentlemen who hadaquarell tohim. Whereofwhen IMheard, heaffirmed he knew of no fuch thing : but only fpake 1b 334 as Godguided his tongiie.. Whereupon immediately heniade'an exhortation of the providence of God , which , by the occafìotr thereof, moved the hearts of many, and'converted them toGod. Patrick,Hamilton aScotch.Mart.yr, being inthe fire , citedandap-, pealed the black-Frier called Campbell that accufed him toappear before theHighGod as generall Judgeof all men, to anfwer to the innocency of his death betwixt that and a certain day of the 4').889. next moneth, which he there named. The Frier died immediatly before theday came without remorfe ofconfcience,&c. The Judge of the earth, keepethhis pettySellions ñow , letting the law paffe upon forrie few, referving the !eft till the great Affrzes. z. Tim. 5 Aug. inPf3o. 24. Some flagitious perfons he punifheth here,leaít his providence, but not all leaft his patience and promifeof a generall judgement fhould be called in queltion. eflndgreat fear came on all]- God:takesforce rnalefat`tors, and hangs themup in Gibbets, as it were;, that others warned thereby, may hear, and fear, and do no more fo. erilteriusperditio tua fit cautio. C'avebis autent fi paavebm. Seeit thou another fuffer (hip- wrack ? look well to thy tackling. Verfe 7. Not k.nowing,what Wat done] And thinking to findher húsband in higheft honour amongthe.Apóftles.. But theeyes ofthe wicked (hall fail, andtheir hope 'ball beas thegivingupof the Ghoj. yob I I. 20. Verfe 8. Yea, for fo much] Sin had woaded an impudency in her,face+- How much better that brave woman in Saint Hierome, who beingupon the rack, faid, Non ideó negare volo, nepeream.; fed ideó mentiri nólo, ne peccenl. I will rather dye then. lye. Verfe p.. To-tempt the fpirit] That is , to make tryall of him whetherhe be Omnifcient , and able to deter and puntfh your hy- pocrifte. No man is a graft hypocrite, but he is fir(t an Atheift. Verfe ró.- Then fell Aedown] Melanahon makes mentionofa curling woman; that had herneck writhed by the Devils, asher mouth wasfull of .curfingand bitternefe, Anno 155r. Verle i 1, died great feare] See theNoteson veil: 5. Laudo Venetos,