Chapas. A Conanmertnry upon the ACTS. 129 yenetòs , apud quos unicum public e pecunhe intervertif fe denarium, Zenccar,in ob- soon infame fawn eft , fed 6. capitale. Among the Venetians, it's fervat. p,titic. death to diminifh a pent' of the publick flock. cap. 4. Verfe ,73. Durft no man joyß himfelf.] Noneof the powerfull enemies of the Church durft infinuate (for fear of the danger) as Sanballat and Tobiah would have done in Nehemiah's dayes : and as the Jefuites now-adayes have apraèlice of running over to the LutheranChurch , pretending to beconverted , and to build with them,: but it is onely to keep up that bitter contention between theCalvinifts and Lutherans. Verfe 14. eAnd heleevers were the more added] So little loft the Church by that dreadfull doom that befell Ananias and Sa- phira. Hypocrites are but thewens, or rather botches of the Ef,z69. Church. When Gods judgements are upon them, the inhabitants of the earth will learn righteoufneffe : they will wafh their feet in the bloudof the wicked, P¡al. 52.6. Let the Lord but kill 7e- fabels children with death, and then all the Churches will take Nev 2 z3, knowledge,. that it is He that fearcheth the reins and heart, and that givethuntoevery man according to hisworks. Verfe i 5. Thefbadow ofPeter paffrngby] Upon thefe ftupendi- ous miracles , as upon fo many Eagles or rather Angels) wings, was, the Gofpell carryed abroad the world then. And theefta- Mi(hing of the Reformation begun alate by Luther, &c. to be done by foweak and fimple means,yea,by cafüall and croffe means, againft the force of fo potent and politick an adverfary as the Pope, is that miracle which we are in thefe times to look for. Verfe 17. With indignation] Gr. With Zeale; but it was that bitter Zeale ram. 3. 14. that grows not but inSatans garden. Verfe 18 Put them in the common prifon] Bocardo (when the good Bithops were there in Q.Eieen Maries dayes) was called a Colledge of Londams : And almoftall other prifons in England Aet. &Mon. werebecome right Chriftian Schools, and Churches,faith Mr. Fox. foi. 1382 Verfe 19. But the Ansel of the Lord] There was one Lare- mouth, Chaplain to the Lady Anne of Cleve, a Scotchman, tó whom, being in prifon in QlleenMaries dayes , it was faid, as he thought, once, twice, thrice, Arife and go thy wayes. Whereupon Aft, & Mon he anfing from Prayer, a piece of the prifon-wall fell down, and :943 he efcaped beyond Sea. Verfe 2o. Stand andff'eak.] Standdole tathe work, flir'not a foot,flannot a hairs-breadth, R r r Verfe