A Commentary upon the AcT s . Chap. 5. Verfe 29 We ought to obey Cod rather thenmen] This is a prin- ciplegranted and grafted inus by Nature. I love and embrace you, O Athenians (faid Socrates,in hisApologie) but yet Iwill o- beyGod rather then you. Seemore in the Note on chap. 4. verf. 19. Matt. 22. ai. The Article is twice repeated when our Saviour fpeaks of God, more thenwhen of C., efar : tofhewthat our fpe- ciall care fhouldbe to give God his due. 1ti(l. tripart, Verfe 3o: re flew and hangedon a tree] ('onftantinethe great, tió,a.cap.io. . in honour of our Saviour, tookaway , bya Law , that cuftome of crucifying men,inufe, till then, among the Romans. A lingring and cruell kinde of death : As was likewife that of Impaling, very ufuall (faith Illyricus) among the Ancients :TheMalefaaors illy?. in clay, had aflake or pale thnift in at their fundament, and it came out a- script° gain at their fhoulders : So that if the flake didnot pierce their hearts orvitals, as it was thruft up, they lived fometimes two or sram4 three dayes in exquifite pain and torment.. And to this kind of M:Sxt,Arty cruel! death; faith he, Saint Paul feemeth to allude 2 Car. 12.7. wrss'vearr Verfe 32.. To them that obey him] The Syriack and Arabick have it , To them that beleeve in him. It comes all toone paffe:. for neither is Faith without Obedience , nor obedience without Faith ::andboth are from thefpirit.. Verfe 33. They were cut to the heart] They were fo vexed ,. as if they had been cut witha faw. Or the gnathingof their teeth founded as the reciprocation of a faw. Verfe 34. Named Gamaliel! Whowas, fay theJews,thefon of Simeon,Luk. 2..25.-the fonof Hillel. See chap. 22. 3. rilstzflo70 Verfe 35. Takeheed t) your felves] Anger is art evil! Councel- lour; donothing rafhly. ixander flewshole in his eart-bloud. afterwards he would have rev ved the Emperour, enjoyned him to flay theexe- cution of whatfoever Statute, till thirty dayes were over. Verfe 36. Rafe upTheudas] See 7ofeph...Antiq°lib. i8. cnp..o.. & fib. .17. cap°_i 2. Verfe 37. Rofe ùp Judas of falilee] Or 7udaa gaulonites. It was the bloudof his followers, that Pilatemingled withtheir Sa- crifices, Luk, 13. 1. To his £aEtion belonged thofe Hackflers or Ivlurtherers, AE. 2i, 38. Verfe 38 Let themalone, for if c c.] Perillous counfell, but profitable to theChurch : God fo orderin&ait, as he dothall,for the bed to hiss. Verfe