Chap. 6. A Commentary upon the ACTS . 13t Verfe 39. 2 e cannot overthrow it] Neither you norKings and Tyrants to help you : So one ancient Greek copie readeth it. Dio- cletian laid down theEmpire in great difcontent, becaufe hecould Beza. hot, by any perfecution, fuppreffe the true Chrifiian Religion. So did Charles the,fifth ; - a politick Prince , anda fore enemy to the Church. He whenhe had in his hand Luther dead, and Melanch- ton,Pomeran, and other Preachers of the Gofpell alive, he not onely'determined not any thingextreamly againft them, or vio- lated their graves,but alto entreating themgently fent them away; hot'fo much as once forbidding them to.publifh openly the Do- A&. & Mon, trine that they profeffed. For it is thenature of Chrifts Church, f °t. '734. That the more that Tyrants fpurnagaini it,the more it flourifheth and increafeth. Verfe 40. And to him theyagreed] So did the enraged people to the Elders , alledging the exampleof Micah theMorafhtite : per. 26. 18. See the of and . etficacie of Hiflory, whichhathits name , fay forne, Ta istera4 r gisv of flopping the fiream of violence. Verfe 41. Worthy tofuferfhame] That they were graced fo, to be difgraced for Chrifi. ÉlegantifJîmxmox morum, faith Ca- faabor. So Philip. 7.29. To you it is given (as an honourary) to A&. &Ton; fufer. Which ( faithFather Latimer) is the greateft promotion fol. '553. that God gives'in this world. Martyr etiam in catena gaudet,faith effugufiine. Maher loverMartyr wept for joy of his imprifon- ment. AndGod forgiveme (laid Matter Bradford) my unthank- fulneffè,forthisexceeding great mercy, that among fo manythou- 113.4- farads he chufeth me tobe one in whom hewill fitffer, &c. Verfe 42 They ceafednot] Crefcit igitur ezern adverf . The more outrageous the one , the more coagious the other party. CHAP. Vr. Verfe i. Of the Grecians] aav;ste Gnecifts; filch (fa3`fome) as wereby birth and Reli- .L igionHebrews , btudifperfed among the Gentiles. Thofe to whom rames and Peter wrote their Epillles. Others think they wereGreek Prvfelytrs, that were circumcifed, and read theSep- tuagint. R r r 2 Verfe