I 3.2 Commentary upon the ACTS. Chap.6. Verfe a It is not reafon] äQasdn an arrePt, or order, faith Eraf mus : aplea, judgement, or fentence, faith Budeus. Serve tables] And do other fuck offices for the relief of the poor. BifhopHooper is famous for his board of Beggers,who till they were ferved every day with whole and wholfome meats, would not himfelf fit down to dinner. Laudent to efurientium vifcera , non rub antium opulenta convivia, faid Hierome toDeme- trius, Charitie is better then courtefie. Verfe 4 To prayer , and to the minifbery]_ Between thefe two theydivided their time. An argument oftheir integrity in the Mi- niffery. Ifwe were to preachonely, faith the Apoffle, we could then wait upon tables : but the one half of our time is to be ta- ken up in Prayer, the other inpreaching. So the Prieffs of old : They (hall teachJacob thy 7udgernents, faith Mofes ,. they jhall alfo put incenfe before thee. Deut. 33. io.. So Paul begins , continues, and endeth his Epiffles with Prayer. So Luther profeffeth, That he profited more in the knowledge of the Scriptures by prayer, in afhort fpace, then by ffudy in a longer : as fohn by weeping got the fealed book opened. Verfe 5. Procorus,.Nicanor, andTimon] Hi tres celebrantur feduli in letlitandis facris. Malcglm. Thefe three (as ` Davids firff three Worthies ). are famous for their unweariablenefl'e in Gods work. Verfe 6. They laid their hands) So putting thebleffing upon them. A very ancient rite, borrowed from theChurchof the old Teftament.. Verfe 7. e 4great company of the Prieis] Defpair not there- fore of theworft : Godbath his time tocall them. Verfe 8.. And Stephen full offaith] He tiling the office of a Deacon well , didpurchafe to himfelf a good degree , and great boldneffe in the faith which is in Chrift Jefus. i Tim. 3.13. A dili- gent man ffayes not long ina low place. Verfe 9. Certain of the Synagogue], There were Cólledges at yersefalem, as now at our Univerfities, whither Foreiners came for learr -fake. Thefe withftood Stephen : like as in the beginning, of the Reformation, Eck, us, Rof énfis, More, Cajetan, Faber , Co.. chlæus, Catharines, Pighius, all thefe wrote againft Luther (befides Parcels inme. the two Kings ofEngland,,and Hungary) fummo tomtit, acerrimo first, hift,. defiderio , nonvul ari doílrinâ, as one faith. In likefort Rocheffer,. Raftall,More and fet at once againft johnFrithMartyrawherof the