Chap.. "'Commentaryupon the ACTs. I 33 one by the help of the Drs,the otherby wrefting theScriptures; and the thirdby the help of natural! Philofophie, had confpired A&, sz Mon. againfl him. But he, as another Hercules , fighting with all three 943. at once did fo overthrow and confound them, that he converted Raffall to his part. Verfe io.. By which he ffial¿e]. Becaufe he convinced themWith great boldneffe, neither could they Withftand the truth. Thefe words are found in one very ancient Copie, as Betawitnefíeth. Verfe r i. Then theyfuborned] This they had learnedof that old man-(layer, john 8.44. Verfe 12. Caught him , and brought him] Sic vi ;critur res; TheAdverfaries belt arguments. In the conclufion of thedifpu_ Aft. & Mon. tationat Oxfordwith Cramer , Ridly , and Latimer , ÍTTefton the Prolocutor triumphed with Vicit ventas : He íhould rather have Paid, Vicit poteftas. Not right but might hath carryed it, Verfe 13. Blafjohemouswords] So was Athanafzusaccufed. Verfe 15. efts it had been the face of anAngell] Such was the puritie of his confcience, the goodneffeof his caufe,and the great- neffeof his courage. There is an Hiflory of a DutchMartyr, who colonm calling to the Judge that had fentenced him to the fire,defired him to lay his hand upon his heart ; and then asked him whofe heart didmoll=beat, his, or the Judges ? Many of the Martyrs went with as good cheer to dye as todine. C'rommel going to his death, eat an hearty breakfaft. Ridley called it his wedding-day. And ano- ther, clipping the flakehe was burned at , faid, Welcome mineown Tweet wife : Welcome the Creffe of Chrift. CHAP. VII.. Verfe 1.. Are theft things fo ? APair hearingStephen fhoukd have , but his deathwas afore hand refolved on. Verfe 2 TheGodofglory] Before whom Seraphims(thofe hea- venly Salamanders) clap their two wings , as a double fcarfe, on Efay G. i. their faces, as not able tobear his brightneflè : or as men arewont to clap their hands on their eyes, in a fudden flafh of lightning: Sol reliqua fidera occultat, gttibus & lumen fuumfeenerat, faith Lib. 2. cap. G. `Pliny. Verfe 3. get thee vut'OT, ] Both Abrahams great rempta- _ R rr tips