134 h Cotnrner tary upon' the AcT S. Chap.7 tions beganthus See the Note on yen. 12. 1, 2, &c. Verfe 5. No notfomuch aol Anholy Proverb Deut. 2.5. Even to the treading ofthefoie ofthefoot. The firft purchafe that erfbra. ham made, was for aburial-place. Verfe 6. Fourhundredjeers] Beginning at the birth of Yfaac. Verfe 8. eflnd he gave him, &c.] See theNoteon gen.t7.II." Verfe 9 Sold 7ofeph] SeetheNote on gen. 37.28. Verfe to. Gave him favour] See the Note onGen.41. 37. 'Verfe 12. I. But When 7acob] See theNoteon Gen. 42.1. vx¢tu. Verfe 19. `Dealt fùbtilly] Let us deale wifely (faith he) xod. vQ , 1.10. fubtilly faith thisText. The worlds wifdom is but fubtilty, fophiftry , fallacy. And God took this wifard in his own crafti- neffe. I Cor. 3. 19. for your labouring men have the luftieft children. Verfe 2c. Exceeding fair] Palling pretty, a proper child, as Juttin.Hy2.36. the Apoftle hath it Hob. 11.23. fuflin maketh mention of his beautifull perfonage : and by this , as by an InP(rument , God mo- ved his parents firft, and then thePrince(fe to pitty and preferve him. Verfe 22. And Mofe.r was learned] See my Common-place of Arts. Verfe 26. Sirs, yearebrethren] In this e gyps of the world, all unkinde {'trifes fhould eafily be compofed , did we but remem- ber that we are brethren. Verfe 27. He that did the wrong] None fo ready to except and exclaim as the wrong -doer : the patient replyes not. Verfe 29. ThenfledMofes] And by being banifhed , was the better fitted to be King in 'efhurun. Verfe 31. He wondredat thefight] Howmany come to the or- dinances to fee and to be feen ? they may hear that with Mufès here, that maydo them good for ever. Verfe 33. Tut of thy (hoes] Thy fle(hly affections, and be wholly at my d'ifpofe , in the bufineffe whereabout I (hall fend thee. Verfe 34. I have feen, Ihavefeen] To my grief and regret. God is faid to fuffer in the fufferings of his people. The Father, Ifay 63.9. The Son, e4'l . 9.4. Theholy Ghoft, I Pet. 4. Verfe 36. And in the vvilderneffe] Where their garments were no whit theworfe for wearing. Why then (houldwe quetbon the incorruptibility of our bodies at the Refu retion ? Verle