Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap.7. A Commentary upon the Aci S, I 3 5 Verfe 37. Lilleunto me] Se theNote on A61.3. 22. Verfe 38. LivelyOracles] That is, Life-giving Oracles, The Law is Paid to be the ftrengthof fan , i Cor. i 5. But this is by acci- dent throughour corruption. Verfe 39. Thruft him from them] The prefent government is aiway grievous, as Thucydides obferveth. Allevajugum, alleva ju- gwm,faid thofe in Rehoboam'sdayes, that wereall for a relaxation. Aei Tà e_54,. Verfe 40. Maleusgods] That is, an image, or reprefentation p ì.Thucy i of God. This was not to keep their promife. Exod. 19. 8. Verfe 42. Of the 'Prophets) The twelve fmall Prophetswereii one volume. Verfe 43. Of yourgodRemphan] Amos 5. called Cijun. There are but divers names of the fame Idoll : The Hebrewscalling it by one name, the Egyptiansby another. See Seldende Dijs Syris. Verfe 44. Our Fathershad the Tabernacle] Hehad made an- fwer to their firft accnfation touching blafphemous words againft theLaw. Now for the Tabernacle and Temple ,: he takes off that too ; and fheweth that Gods worlhip is not now tobe tyed to a- ny one place,morethen another. Verfe 51. Ye ftif-necl¿ed, &c.] Henry Laurence Martyr, being Ali. & Mon,. required toput his hand , m fiibfcribing to his anfwers, he wrote , 53,, thofe words under the bill oftheir examination, Ye are all Anti!. Shrift, andhim ye follow, and here his hand was Raid,and fentence read againft him_ Verfe 54. ?'hey Werecut , to theheart] But that I beleeve that Godand all his Saints will take revengement everlafting on thee, Aq,& Mon, Iwould fureur, withthefe nayles of mine, be thy death, Paid Frier 914. Srujierdin aconference with Mr. Bilney Martyr. Another Frier of Antwerp, preachingto thepeople, wifhed, that Luther were Erafm. Epit. there , that he might bite out his throat with his teeth. 'Plutarch lib. iG, relateth of the Tigers , that if anyone do but ftrike up a drum in their hearing , they grow ftark mad ,. infomuchas at length they teare their ownflefh. So , many favae people areextreamly dif quieted at the hearing of the Word; and that meerely througly theirown corruption : Like as it isnot the tolling in á fhip, but the . ftomaek that caufeth fickneffe ; the choler within, and not the waves without. Verfe 55. 4nd 7efsu f andiiig] As ready to revenge the in- juries dune to1is Poto-rinartyr.. Cbri,firefix rat VVndex, feder ut Zaf ex. Verfe