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z; 6 / Commentary upen the ACTs. Chap.B. Verfe 56. BeholdIfee &c.] Chria as man could fee as far into headen,a§ Stephen now did , who could not therefore but ftand ftoutly to it. Creatures of an inferiour nature will be couragious in the eye of their matters. On the right handof God] As Chrift is at the right handof the Father, fo is the Church at the right hand of Chrift,.Pfal. 45. Mt. & Mon. Verfe 58. And floned him] As .a blafphemer . Our Proto- martyr in Queen Maries dayes was Mr. Rogers : As in Germany Scuitet.Annal. Henry and john, twoAuguftinianMonkes, were the firft that were burnt for Lutheranifine. They fuifered at Bruxelles Anno 1523 and fang in theflames. Verfe 59. And they ftoned Stephen] Bembus wrote a dainty Poeme concerning Stephen, and therein hath thisVerfe, much ad, mired by Melanchthon , Mat ovans anirnis, & fj'e fua damna levabat. He faw heaventhorow that fhowerof (tones. Lord 7efus receive &c.] Luthers laft prayer was this : My heavenly Father , thou haft manifefted unto me thy dear Son LC Jefus Chrift, I have taught him , I have known him : I love him °' as my life, myhealthand my Redemption whom the wicked " have perfecuted, maligned, andwith injury atfeded : Drawmy " foul to thee. After thishe faid; I commend my fpirit into thy' hands, thouhaft redeemed me, O God of truth, &c. Lord lay not this fin &e] Ne ftatuu. Set it not upon; their fcore, or accompt. Saint Aug./finis of opinion, that this prayer of Saint Stephens was of availe for Saint Pauls converfion. He Rood when heprayed for himfelf, he kneeled when he prayed for enemies : to Phew (faith one) the greatneffeof his pietie , and of their impieeie , not fo eafily forgiven. Hewas more forry for their riot, thenfor his own ruine. üvcuráoEt, CHAP. VIII. Verfe 1. And Saul: &c.] T is all one to hold the fack,and to fill it : todo evill. or to coís- fent to it. AndSaul was confenting to his death] Gr. To hismtsrther. ;, forit was nobetter. Ad. 12. 2. d' 5. 33. Damnari, difrecari,fufpendi, de- collari pip cum impijs fault communia; Varia funs hominum ludic ine