Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap.$. ille foelixqui*liceDeoabfolvitur, faith Erafmus, concerning Ber- rfui the Martyr, burnt in Germany. Dorotheúd witneffeth , That "afill' EpifE. when Stephen was ftoned , there were two thoufand other Belee- vets ut todeath the fame day. nd they wereall featured] To the Churches great advantage; which, like the Sea, what ground it lofeth inone place, it getteth in another. Sp at !Weida in France (tenmiles from Par.) BrifJó_ net the Bifhop ighereof, defirous of a Reformation , put away the Monkes , and called in the help of divers godlyMinifters. But be- ing perfecuted by the Sorbonifts , he foon fell off from the pro- fefionof the truth ; and thofe good Minifters (Faber , Farellur, Ruff f m4, andothers)were driven intodivers other places ofFrance, Vii Erctefie where they plantedfeverall Churches; the deftruetionof one be= tlefirux`iia mrcl- ing theedification of many. Farellus one of thofe foremention_ edMinifters, wasGods inftrument of gaining the inhabitantsof ter. ratura fair r. Scuff- Aatnx rl, Geneva, Laufanna, Novocoma, &c. Verfe 2 C'arriedStephen] On their fhoulders,lamenting,with ouvExo'px.s knocking their breafts, &c. as the word imports : no whit afraid, Kovach,. of thofe madmurtherers. So the primitiveChriftians would not bekept from vifitingthe Confeffours in prifon, Tamerfamultister- roribtu., min., &pericul. interdithtmerat , as Chryfoftome witnef- feth in his Oration of the two Martyrs ; focertain good people took up and buried the bodies of Vrfula andMary , two noble Virgins, burnt at Delden in lower Germany, which the Execution- A&. 8Mon; ercould in no wife confiirne with fire , but left them lying on the '8I3' ground. And the like is reported touching the heartsof Zwingli- aaa and Cranmer. Verfe 3. Made havock o f the Church] Being (as force think) that ravening Wolf of the tribe of Benjamin, prophecyed of by yacob, Gen.49. 27. Verfe 4. ] See the Notes on verf. z. Trucidabantur mu!- aiplicabantur, faith Augie. They were never the fewer for be- ing flain. `Flaresefficimur qu®ties metimser, faith Tertullian. Ec- clefa totum mundum fanguine & oratione convertit, faithLuther: The Church converts the whole wails by her fufferings and prayers. Verfe S. Then Philip] Not 'Philip the Apoftle ( for they all abode at yerufalem, verf r.) but Philip the Deacon. He that is faithfull in a little, (hall be made matter of more. Verle 6. e4ndshe people 0e] A.corrupt place andbewitcht S ff bu A Commentary rspon the ACTS. z37