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8 A Commentary union the ACTS. . Chap.8',. by the forceries of Simon Magus :yet even there Godhad apeo ple; yuftin Martyr was of this Citie. Verfe 8. end' there w s great joy] Sa there was at Berne: Scultet. Antral. for when the Reformationwas,firft received , they pardoned (for joy) two condemned perlons , and called home all-their banifhed. So there was at geneva the Inhabitants whereof, upon the like occafion,ftamped new money, with this Infcription , Pof tene4ru lux. So alto therewas among the Heivetians, who caufed theday and yeer whenReformation began amongíf them, to beengravers A & noon, in a pillar, in letters.o£gold,.fota perpetuall memory to all pofte rtt.e, Anno 1528.. Verfe 9.. which before time &c.] Or, which was mailer of the Tre,+thA- far. Magicians. Sedqua traduntur de modo difeeptationis Petri cum Si- mone Mago- dpaNc477nì petite.; q'stam isoetrÿ of evidentur.. yrr. Bewitched the people]. Gr. Carried them out of themfehes3a> in an extafie, fo that they were more his then their own. Somegreat thing],. Such a blab the Devil' hadblownúp there as a fmall`wind mayblow up a bubble. Verfe io. This man is thegreat power-ofGod]' Epiphaanirufaith,. that this Varlet called himfelf God. the Father and the Son , and his Harlot Helena,. (a horrible thing tobe fpoken) the holy Ghofl... 70 inMartyr witnefleth, that hehad, neerunto lioníe,a flatue e Ceded, with this infcription, Simon; Deo fan5to To Simon the holy God. Prodigious boldnefl'e andbafeneffe l Verfe II. He had.bewitched them with forcerie] It felt out -in theyeer of. Grace 434 thata certain Seducer-, who called himfelf Mofes, perfwadedthe. Jews in Creet, thatlie was fens-from hea- ven with commiflion to repoffeffe them of the promifed Land..: Him tiler.efore,they gladly followed (a great fort of them) with their wives and children, to the Sea fide ;,. Where he bade them to raft themfelves after-him , from a fteep Rack into the Sea: This they did, andthere perifhed,. many of.them.; and manymore had done, but that (by a. providence) fundry were caught.*by Chri- Fosecîus is flianFilhertnen there preterit at thattime,and carried fafe to-land. & '°no!. Thefe, after they were recovered ,, carried notice to their fellows, how fearfully they had been deluded by the Devill., who hadper- fonated Mofes : and divers of them, movedby their late calamity, became Chriftians, In theyeer 759. certainPetlian Magicians per-. (waded themfelves and many others,that if they fold all they had, and.cafi themfelves naked from the town-wall , they flaouid :ßy tpn