Chap. 8. A Commentary upon the ACTS . 139 toheaven immediately. perierunt hac infanid permulti; faith the ibid. Hiftorian : Many perifhed by beleeving this fenfeleffe lye. Verfe 13. Simon himfelf beleeved]. As the Devils alto beÌi;eve, with an hïftoricall faith, a meer Bafh, which therefore foonecame to nothing. And when he was baptized] Pity that that fairwater was fpilt upon fo foule a face. But circumcifion availes nothing without Faith that worksby Love:unregenerate Ifrael is to God as Ethio- pia, Amos 9.7. Baptifme to fuch is not Gods-mark -, but the De- vils-brand. Verfe 14. They fent Peter and John] Thofe Pillars, Gal. 2.9. toconfirm PhilipsDoftrine, and founda Church, by their Apofto- like authoritie. Verfe 15. TheholyGhofi] That is, thofe extraordinary gifts of tongues, healing. &c. Verfe iy. Then laid they theirhands on them] After the man- ner of the Priefts, who laid their hands on the beaft that was tobe facrificed, and fo confecrated them to God. Verfe i8. Heofferedthem money] As Simoniacks Rill. do their corrupt Patrons , fo crucifying Chrift afrefh betweentwo theeves. Benefices are now beltowed,faith one, non ubi optim é, fed ubi qua- fduof:ffime : As if a man fhould bellow fo muchbreadon his horfe, becaufe he is to ride on him, &c. Verfe 19. Give me alfo this power] Bafe fpiritshave low con- ceits of the high things of God. The ftream rifeth not above the fpring. Omnia Roma venalia : All things at Rome are foluble and faleable. Verfe 20. But Peterfaiduntohim] Philip tookhim for a right honer man, and baptized him : But Peter loon finelta Fox, and drew him out of his den into the open light. Hypocrites (hall be fooner or later deteeìed : their name mutt rot. Thy money perilh With thee] So faid that noble Italian Mar- gtietfe Caraccioluo , to the Jefuite that tempted him to revolt for His life by money. Let their money perifh with them ,faid he, that efteem all crafhaw. thególd in the world worth one dayes focietie with Jefüs Chrift, and his holy Spirit : And curfedbe that Religion for ever , that goes that way towork. Verfe 22. Repent therefore] Repentance is poft naufragium mcTe_;'s tabula, it is the fair daughterof a foul mother, i. e. Sin, which (if 017:,.7 eLTOYT6X_ not repentedof) will loonwork our ruth and ruine, ue na'npeie S ff z If 7lomani.