I 40 A Commentary upon the ACTS. Chap.8. If perhaps the thought] Eio to becured by e'oics. Thought is not free : but if evill , muft be reverfed by repentance, or will lindoe us for ever, yer. 4..14. Verfe 23. Thou art in the gall, crc] The Apoffle alludeth to Dent. 29. i 8. Sin is a bitter potion, adeadly poyfon, which there- fore we muft quickly caft up again byconfeifion , ere it get to the vitals. Simon Magus is here convinced by the very fhew of god- Iineffe, underwhich he hoped to have lurked : as the fifh Sepia is. bewrayedby the black colour,which íhe cafleth out to cover her. Verfe 26. Which is defart] Whichway is defart , that is , leffè frequented, becaufe up-hill and down-hill. So is the way tohea ven, andtherefore little travelled. Verfe 28. Sitting in his chariot, read] Time is to be redeemed' Mu. 0.3-.c,1; for holyvies. Pliny feeing his Nephew walking for his pleafure, see. rpill. called to him,and faid,Poterashafce horas non perdidife : you might have better beffowed your time then fo. Nullses mihi per otiun Hier. ad !ru dies exit, faithSeneca. And Hierom exhorted force godly women, ftach. de cu. to whom he wrote, not to lay theBible out of their hands, untilla pd. virg. being overcome with fleep , they bowed down theirheads , as it were to falute the leaves below them,with a kiffe. Verfe 31. How can I,exceptforce man] TheMathematicks are fo called , becaufe theycannot be learned without a teacher. No . man is àv7oJYJc)T inheavenly literature. He that here is Scholler . to himfelf hath a fool to his matter. Verfe 33. His judgement was taken away] That is , he was fet. fafe from his enemies, that judged and executedhim.. He rofe and . reigneth in defpite of them. And who 'hall declare his generation f] Or can tell how long 3 eaalAatt ejua his Kingdom {hall laft ? for being raifed from the dead , he dyeth . tcia, no more. He may aswell dyeat the right hand of his Father , as in the hearts of his children. Verfe 34. Ipray theeof whom] Incredible gain is tobe gotby conference in all arts : fo here : All Chrifts fchollers are CnNnxoi ueffioniffs, thoughnot queftion-fick, as thofe triflers in Timothy, aEp.6.4. Verfe 35. And preached onto him] Of preachingwe may fay. in comparifon of other Ordinances , for the getting of know- ledge, as Daviddid of coliah's fword, There's none to that. Verfe 36. what dohhinder] He flood not upon the reproach of.ChriftianReligion , what the Courtiersat home would cenfure.