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Chap.9. A Commentary upon the ACTS. I 4.1 of him. He would hardly fuller death for Chrift, that cannot faller a littlebreath forhim. Verfe 37. Is the fon of god] Both by eternal! generation, Troy. 8. and by hypoftaticall union, Matt, 3. nit. Verfe 38. »Andhe baptifedhim] Set Chrifts mark vponhim, that Pealeof the new Covenant. The Jacobites (a kinde of mon- grell-Chriftians in Afia) (ign their children, many in the face, force Breerw. rn in the arm , with the fign of the Crofle, imprinted with anhot quit. 153 burning iron, at or before baptifme : But we have not fo learned Chrift. Verfe 39. Went on his way rejoycing] Bernard, for a certain time after his convection , remained, as it were, deprived of his vita fenfes , by the excel-five confolations he had from God. Cypria,v Bern. confeflèth. to Donatus his friend , that before his converfìon he Cypr. Epifì. thought it was imponible forhim to change his manners , and to lib. 1. findefuch comfort as now he did in a Chriftian life. He beginneth c nfej.[,6,c, i s thus, eAccipe quod fentitesr antequam difcitur. Auguflinefaith the fame of himfelf, &c, CHAP. IX. Verfe r. And Saul yet breathing] S a tyred Wolf, that, wearied with worrying the flock, lyes S1 panting for breath. See the Note on chap. 8. verf. 3. Verfe 2. Letters to Damafcus] TheHigh-prieft, it feems,then had power at Damafcus, and elfewhere out of tudea, tobinde and beat his Jews, for mifdemeanour in point of their Religion. See eA . 18.15. Verfe 3. And as he journeyed] Sci `Perms Paulus Vergerizu, Auno 154tß the PopesNuntio,Dum confutationemEvangelicorummeditatur,ft Evangelicus : Moved,perhaps,by the fearful' example alfo ofFran- cis Spira, whereof he had been an eye-witneflè. Verfe 4. Fell to theearth] Chrift unhorft him,. but did not deftroyhim. He is not fuch a Monarch as loves to get authoritie by fterneneffe, as Rehobeam, but by gentleneffe. And though gone toheaven, yet hath he not changed his nature with change of ho- nour. but together withbeams of glory , there areRill in him the fame bowels of pity, that he had here upon earth. whyperfecutefi thvtf me ? ] As unskilful) Hunters, fiaooting at Sff 3 wild`