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142 A Commentary upon the ACTS . Chap.9, wild-beasts, may kill a man Sothofe that #hoot at the Saints, hit Chrift. Their fufferings are held his , Colof. i . 24. their reproach Planet compaf his Heb. 11 .13, God is more provoked thenNehemiah, Nehem, fm edam curt Christ retaineth frill companion , thoughfree fromper zmpabititnt;. 4' 3. 5 Bernard, fonall Paflion : and, though freedfrom feeling , he hath frill yet a fellow-feeling Verfe 5. To kickagaínft the pricks] Ametaphor fromOxen pushing back upon the goad, when theyare pricked therewith : as Beza iheweth out of e/ffchyluo. Verfe 6. It fAial.1be toldthee] Chrift teacheth him not imme- diatly , but fendeth him to a Preacher; fo to grace his own or. dinance. Verfe 7. Hearing a voice] Not Christs voice, but Sauls onely, chap. 22.9. Verfe 8. He saw no man] This bodily blindneffe was a means toopen`the eyes of his mind,as Cehezie's leprofie cured his foul. Verfe 9. And he was three dayes] In this three dayes dark- , fome gatherbycomputation of time , that he was now rapt pri,uaT4 á - up into the thirdheaven , and heard thofe wordleffe words , 2 Cor. Tx 12. 4. after that he had been thorowly humbled. Luther likewife Perkins. lay (after his converfion) three dayes in defperation, as Mr. Perkins remembreth inhis book of Spirituali defertion : His temptations Epift ad Me- were fo violent at nec calor , nec fanguù, nec fenfus;nec vox fuper- lancthon. ef/'et,às7uftus7onaareportethof Luther, that was by, and saw it. In his life. The like is recorded concerningMr. Bolton, byMr. Bagfhaw. Verfe ' jo. And there was a certain] See here the neceffity andufe of theMiniftery : If there be ameffengerwithaman, an in- terpreter,one amonga thoufand,to fheli unto man hù uprightneffe,&c. 7o6 33. 23. Vnos e minibus. The vulgar translation corruptlyhath it untos e fimilibus. Verfe II. The ftreet called straight] . Gods people are fo dear tohim, that theirwalls are ever before him , Efay 49. 16. he loveth the streets thebetter theydwell in , the air the better they breathe in, l'fal. 87. 5, 6. For behold he prayeth] He never prayed till now , though a ftrielPharifee. So Don. 9.13. The Captives in Babylon prayed ed in thofe 70. yeers : becaufe they failed to themfelves , pray more to get off their chains, then their fins . Zech.7. 5, 6. Prayer is the breath of the fpirit. Rom. 8.26. ?ode 20. And prayer with- out the fpirit is but anempty ring, atnekling Cymbal'. Verfe