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Chap,9, A Commentary upon the Acz s. Verfe 13. Then Ananias anfwered]. Thebelt have theirum- neceffary fears, and think they have reafon,on their fide : butrQn- vinced', they foon fubfcribe to God..Venìwt,vcniat verbum Domini, £aid one, c fiàbmittemur ei, fexcentá fi nobts efent colla. Verfe 15. .4chufen vefell to bear], In matters of - holineffewe are rather patients then agents ,. that we may afcribe all to Gods grace; thereforehe compares usnot to a6tive inffruments, as tools in the handof a workman but to paffive inffruments , fuch as difhes Or veffels (ashere). that, bear and carry treafure , meat; or filch like, z Car. 4. 7. e..4Th 13. r5. Te menandbrethren, ifthere be in you (as infomany veffels of honour) any wordof exhsrtation, fay on Verfe z6. Howgreat things hemull ftiffer] Oppofition is (as Calvin wrote to the French King) Evanïgelij genius, the evil! An gell that doggs the Gofpell. Andpradicare, Paid Luther, nihil ali- ud eft duam derivare in fe furorem totius mundi : To preach-is to get the evilIwill of the world. Verfe r 8. There fell fromhis eyes] God alfö at the fame time torethe covering ; rent the vail that was fpread over the eyesof his underftanding , Ifay24.7. See the blind eye opened in a di.. fcourfe on-Eph. 5.8.. by mineentire friend Iv1r.'Dugard Verfe 20. end ftraightway he preached] He conferrednot Withflefh;and bloud Cal. r. 16.- but fell.prefently to work, and followed it clofe as afraid tobe wiih.his taskundone. Chry- foftomfaithof Taut; that he was Infatiabilis `.D.ei.culter :. An unfa tiable ferver of God. . Verfe 22. Proving that this &c.]' Proving it by comparing Scripture withScripture,.by laying one place to another,. as Joyn- avuß,R4,wr. ers fit all the parts of their work together that eachpart may per- fed`tlyagree with theother, &c. Nehem..8.8. The Levites read the Law, and gave the fenfe , caging the people to underftand the reading, dabant intelligentiain perfsripturamipfam : So Tremellius rendereth it. Parallels texts,. like glafles.. fet oneagainft another, Gaff a mutual! light. The'Lapidary brightens his hard Diamond with the daft fhaved from it felf : fo muff we cleer hardSeri natures. Verfe a3. And after many dayes f.. After three years.. So long he had to fettle, ere God called im forth to fuller. The skit "t F'e full Armourertryeth not an ordinary piece with.Mlisket-fhot.. The elei a .Piii ck, wife Lapidary bringsnot his_fofter (tones to the ft_ ithy The good ennbss husband