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144 Efay 28. 26, Mrlch.Adtim. A Commentar, upen the AcTs. Chap. t o. husband turns not the Wheel upon hisCummin, nor his flail upon this Pitches, &c. Verfe 24. But their laying await] Some friend likely had ad- vertifedhim, as aSenatour of Hala did Brentiss , when fomehad confpired his death, Fuge, fuge, Brenti tiro, citiru,citime : Flee fpeedily, away for thy life. Verfe 25. Let him _down &c.] It is not unlawfull then tonic in-force cafes. Tertullian was too rigid in condemning all kind óf flight , in time of perfecution : God bath not fet us as ítanding marks, or butts, to be (hot at, &c. Verfe 26. TheywereAll afraidof hies] Open-heartedneffe is an argument of folly. Fide, diffide. Our Saviour wouldnot light- ly commit himfelf to any , yohn 2.24. Try whom you mean to truft.Paul was force while aProbationer,ere he could be admitted. Verfe 29. c,4nd heJakeboldly] The foul by thewitnefle of the:fpirit, finds increafe of fpirituall mettle , and is Reeled againft oppottion. `Difputed againft the Crécians] Thefe had been St. Stephens greatefl adverfaries, .r4Ei.6.i.9. andthen Saul was very forward to joy -n with them. Now that he was turned Chriftian, they fought his death, having firft given out (as Epiphanius teftifieth) that he turned meerly out of difcoutent, becaufe he couldnot obtain to wife thehigh-priefts daughter. Truth (faith one) hath alwayes a fcratcht face. The Devil' was,firf} a lyer, and then amurderer. Thofe that kill a dog ( faith the FrenchProverb) make theworld beleeve he was mad firft. The credit of the Church muff firlt be takenaway, and then the is wounded, Cant.5.6. Before the French Maffacre, it was given out,That the Huguenots in their night-meet- ings committed molt abominable uncleanneffes. Verfe 31. Then had the Churches reft] As whenPaul was con- verted , the Churches relied : fo, muchmore, when finand Satan flu& be deftroyed , (hall the (fateof the Saints be molt reft-full, and bliffe-full in heaven. CHAP. X. Verfe i. ACenturion of the band.] TA E might well have been a Commander inthe thundring legi- on, qui plte's precando quampraliandapotuerunt. Preces font bombarda