Chap. I o> A Commentary upon the AcTS, 19-5 hombarde infirumeuta bellica Chr f ianorum, laid Luther : who alfo fpared not to tellthe Elector of Saxony., his Protec`ìor and "6-7"e'''''' Patron, That he , byhis prayers, would fecurehis Highneffe , his foul, bodyand eftate engaged in the Gofpels caufe , Sive id credat Celfitudo vefira,Jive non credat. Imo judico (faith he) C. Y. plus a vue prefidij .& tutele habituramef fe quammihi preflare,&c. Yea , I am of themind , that your Highneffe-hath more fafety fromme, then I have from you. Verle z. Adevout17;an &c.] Not of the Kings-religion what ever it betas thofe Melchites in Nicephorus. And as Tertullian tells Apol.lìb:ÿ. usin.his Apologie, That the people were bound to worfhipthofe -gods onely that the Senate decreed fhouldbe worfhipped..Corne- çOEf+t !lius was a right worfhipper. withall his hhofe] A man is really that he is relatively. Da- vid would chew his fincerity by being good at home , "Pfeil. 101.2. Verle 3. About the ninth .hour] Which was the time of the evening Sacrifice, when the joynt prayers of the Church were a1. cending, as incenfe. Verfe 4. Thyprayers and thine alms] Dr. Powellrelateth.this laying of Leotinus Prince of wales, that when hewas moved by fome to make war uponour Henry-the third.; Ego, inquit,formido Hill. comb?. ejus Eleemofynas magis certi multa quam ejus copias. And the Queen mother of Scotland was heard to fay, That themore feared the faaings and prayers of john Knox andhis difciples , then an army SPec.betfocii. a>f twenty thoufandmen. For a memorial/ before god] How did the Angel know this:? Angels have a threefold knowledge. i. Natural!. 2. Revealed. as Dan. 9. and here, 3. Experimentall, Ephef. 3.1o. Verfe 5. Call for one Simon] Though an Angel certifies Cor- nelius his prayers wereaccepted, yet he.reads not to him the Do- ëlrine of redemption, but referres him to Teter. The Office of preaching the Gofpel is taken from the Angels (who firft preach- ed it to the Shepherds) and given to the Minifters. Verle 6. With one Simon aTanner] God knoweth all his by name, and condition oflife. Verle 7. A devout Souldier] Corneliushad either foundhimor -made him fo. Nero complained that hecould never find a faithful! fervant : And no wonder; for thofe that were good carednotto some about him;and thofethat werebad,he carednot to makebet- Ttt ter