146 ter, as beinghimfelfdefperatety wicked. ualin hems talis fervor. The Mailers faults go as little unattended as their perfons. Of theme that waited on him] The Syriack hath it , Of them whom he efteemed highly . Good fervants are rare and pre- cious. Verfe 9 Vpon the houfe topray] He got up upon the leads, as well to avoid diftrac`fion , as to excite devotion , by a full viewof heaven above. Verfe ie. He fell into a trance] His foul was fundred , as it were, for a feafon, from his body, whiteft he talked withGod. So our Saviour was transfigured , as he was praying. ohnwas in the fpirit on the Lords day , when he received his Revelation ; Paul was rapt up into the third heaven. Giles of Bruxelles (a Dutch Martyr) inhis prayers, was foardent, kneeling by himfelf, in fome fecret place , whiles he was aprifoner , that he feemed to forget himfelf : Being called many times tomeat , he neither heard, nor and. A61. &Mon. law thofe that flood by him , till he was lift t up awaked the arms mCof x sr r. then gently he would fpeakunto them , Verfe I;. Kill and eat] peter was hereby taught not to kill fweet sleep. and flay in battell , as many of his warlike pretended fticcetfors have done , but to kill that corruption that hefound in the Gen- Cum Petri ni- tiles, by the fword of the fpirit;&c. ?ulius the fecond can turn hit efficiant ad him either way,to Peterskeys, or Pawls fword. tratia clastr, Verfe 14. Common or unclean] By commonneffe there is con- flrsxilîoPanli traded an uncleánnetfe. It is hard to deal in the world, and not fpmiltanenfs be defiled with the corruption that is in the world through grit. tuft. Verfe 16. Received upagain into heaven] 'The Church her ori- ginall is fromheaven, Apoc. 21. and thither the (hallbe taken up again. M inthemean fpace, our commoration is onearth , our converfàtion in heaven, Phil 3.19 Verfe 17. Stood before the ;ate] They preffednot in , till li- Deur 7 tented : they knew that sews would not convente oft feenith them being Gentiles. This was their modetly , not diers. waited Verfe i4. Cornelius sited for them] So the people Zet ariaa, IA. i. It's fie the people fhould wait for theM trifler, hot theMinif er for the people, Zach. 8. 21. ThePope Verfe 26. tut Peter took,,tiim vi Longs ádeter P (Dio- A commentary upon the ACTS Chap. r ou