Chap.t t. ACommentary upon the AcI s. -\``- 147 (Diocletian-like) holdsforth his toe to be kiffed,and fullers his Pa- ratites to deifrehim : Tu veré in terris diceris efe `Dettw. Imy fell alfa am a man] We mua glor f e the zrord,not the Preacher,e-4l1.13 48. Verle 28. Nor callany man unclean] Scilicet, quoadcommunem vita ufum : Nam alioqui omnes natura impuri i. e. in regard ofci- vill converfation. By nature ('tis true) we are all unclean. Verle 30. I was fafling until' &c.] Fulnefie breeds forget- fulnefle ; but fatting maketh a man capable of heavenlyvifions, of divine glory. The three great falters,Chrift, Mofes, and Elias met glorioufly inMount Tabor. Verle 34. NorefpeEierof perfons] That is, of their outward Rate and condition, as countrey, fex, wealth, wildom , &c. Out* ward things neither help, nor hurt, pleafe, nordifpleafe God, but as they are in a good or bad man: As a Cipher by it'elf is nothing; but a figure being let before it, it increafeth the femme. Verfe 38. Oppref ed of the Devil'] The D evil! complained in the dares of Diocletian , that he couldnot give right Oracles,, be- jeb, lib.z. caufeof the Chriftians. And thofe that confpircd againfr eAtha- nafru, cryed out, that by his prayershehindred their proceedings. Rapid í.c.33. The Souldiers that went againft the Angrognianstold their Cap- Aft. & Mon. tain, that the Minifters of that place , with their prayers focon- 283, jured, and bewitched them, that they could not fight. Verfe 41 Eat anddrink withhim] In nihilum abi)t cibsa poft refurrecllionemfumptus. Verle 48. To bebaptifed] The ufe of the Sacraments is to feat tipadoption in infants, and faith in thofe of riper years. CHAP. XI. , Verle 1. Hadalf rccçi,.ed the ward] N Ot onely informed , but reformed -: yea, fo transformed the Churches were into the fame image of the word from glory to glory', that they became at length conformedtoChrill in ,oli nefle and rightedufnefl'e. Verfe. a3. That with psi pofe of heart] As it is recordedof Ca- leb, that he fulfilled after God : Num. 14. 2x1. Calebimplev itpoß 7r0e. It hands men upon to fee that their work, tho4 et be but T t t 2 mean,