1.48 B Commentary upon the AcT sy Ch"ap.ir., eiN,GUL77 orte. Godwins dn. táq. Heb. juniro in ja- 7altet.l.r, 8. Funk. Not. on Rhem.Tefl. At.., z i felt. 4 A58.Mon. fol, 1366. mean,yet_it maybeclean, though not fine , yet not foule , foyled andjlubbèred with the Bur of a rotten heart. Verfe 26. ('alledChriftians] Calledfo'bydivine.direhion, as the wordfignihetli. There were (faith .alearned Antiquary ) cer- tain Hereticks, who (as the Samaritans joyned Jewifh ceremonies withHeáthenifh rites, fo they) joynedChrift and. Mofes, Law and Gofpel, Baptifme andCircumcifìon.Of their beginning read Thefe were called Nazarites ; either of malice by the Jews, tobring the.greater difgrace upon ChriftianReligion : or elfebe- caufe at firft theywere true,rhough.weak.Nazarites,that is,Çhrifti. arts, milled by Peters judaizing at eflntioch, Gal. 2. ir. Hence its thought,that the Church at eflntioch, in deteftation of this new. bredHeretic, fattened upon themby the name of Nazarites , for_ fook that name , and called themfelves Chritians. But what a fhamefull thing is it,.that themoft honourable name of Chrtffian, isat this day inItaly, and at Rome a name of. reproach,andufually abufed to lignifie a fool, pr a.dolt ?. Firft'in Antioch] Which hadbeen the refidence, and bare the name of Antiochej.s,that bloudy perfecutour. Here then that Pro, phefie. was .molt fweetly fulfilled ,. Efzy 6o. 14. The forts of the of iElers cor e, bending to thee, &v. Verfe 28. e" Ind there flood up one] SoBifhop Hooper pro. pheci.ed, long before, of his own death. For taking Mr. Bullinge by the hand , athisreturn from Zwick, There.(íaid he), where I take molt paines,you. (hall hear of me to be burnt to allies. And being madeBifhop,he took for his Arms a Lamb inafiery bufh,and theSun-beams deliending down upon the Lamb Rightly deno- ting, as it feemeth, theorder of his fuftering, which afterward foie lowed. So Father Latymer ever affirmed of himfelf, that the preaching of the Gofpellwould colthim his life : to the whichhe no leffe cheerfiilly prepared himfelf, then certainly was perfwa- ded , that Winchefter was kept in theTower On KingEdTimrdthe. 6. dayes) for the fame purpofe :,And it proved fo. In November -572. appeared, a..new fiar in "Ca opeia, _and continued.fixteen monetls. Theodor. Reza wittily applyed tt. to that fear at Chrifts birth,. and to the infanticide then ; andwarnedCharles.9. Auingur of the FrenchMaifacre,.tobeware, in this"Verfe.: Tuvera Herodes fanguinolente time. The fifthmoneth after thevanifhing of this ft:ar, the Paid Charles,, after long and grievous.páins, dyed of.cxceeding bleeding. Spot ,