d Ehap.i r: ACarnrnentary,Npon the ACTS. 149 wood, Arch-bthop of St. Andrews, a deepand ftìbtile diffembler, whohad difcouraged, and by degrees extirpated moll; of the faith- Myft.of tni7.. full.Miniftersof Scotland, thought it feafonablé Anno 1639, to re- pair into England, where he dyed aMartyr to the defign of bring- ing in Popery and tlavery. And fo was the predi Lion of'Mr.walfhi a famous Scotch Minifter, fulfilled uponhim:who.ina letter to the Bithop, written 1604. told himhefhould dye an out-cart. meat dearth thorowout the world]. Suetonius and 7ofephns make Suet.in blaud. mentionof this Famine. It went.hard.when this voice was utter- Jofeph.Elnoi1. ed in the Market-place at Rome,... Pone pretium humanacarni. At 1b2°."2. .Antioch inSyria,manyof the Chriftiansingaged in the holy-War Gas they called it)were glad , through famine , to eatthe dead bo- Turk. Hilt. dies of their late thin enemies. Thiswas that .Antioch here men- foi,18. tioned in the text. In the dayesof Claudius afar]. Whowas an arranttlow-belly, counted fora fool by his own mother. Antonia , judged unworthy of the Empire by his own lifter Livilla;..poyfoned.at length by his own wife Aprippina,and her fonNera,qui dixit boletos ea ,'t ßpwouc Dio invita good Claudius boleto innumertem Dearum relator effet. The Crud` times were then fo bad.when he ruled the Empire, ut nihil amplios virtu" efe putaretur quam TO' y.vveccns ámo.9xvHV, faith the Hif}orian. Dio. ibid. What marvel! then though God.fcotnged the world withextream famine wherein the Church alto was inwrapped , but gracioufly provided for : asever the is in a common calamitie. Verfe 29. Every Man according],. For to ftretch beyond the flaple is tomar all. .A goodman Iheweth mercy , but yet order-. eth.his affairs-withdifcretion, P/11. 112. 5.., Verfe 3o. which al/o they did] Nosnon eloquimur magna,fed vivimos , faid the primitiveChr ftians. This age aboundeth with mouth-mercy. (Go,..and be fed, warmed, &c. yam. z.) which is good cheap. But :a little hand-fullwere better then.agreat many fuch,niouth-fuls. By the hands of BarnabasandSang 'Paul'prayes hard, that this their fervice might be accepted of the Saints, Rom. 15. 31. though one would think they fhould.be very welcome , coming on fuch.an crr.,ande -. t 3 Cx:A .Ps .