I 50 Commentary upon the ACTS. Chap.i2e CHAP. XII. Verfe i. Now about that time] 'fiat the famine fay fore upon theChurch. Afiliaions feldome cone Cingle. The Saintsufually fall into divers temptations at once, tare. I.2..Fltd us-fluElum truclit. Yob's meíl'engers tied upon the heels oneof another. Herod the King] Nephew toHerod theGreat, brother to He= rodias, and father to that t"fgrippa, Ad. 25. G 26. Verfe 3. Andbecaufehe faze &c] Sejanta feroxfcelerum, gsaia primaprovcnorunt, faithTacittt. k is an old trick of Tyrants,. to curry favourwiththe wicked, by fhedding thebloudof the godly. Verfe 5. Earneft prayer was made] Oratiofine mala, eft ut avis cue cvsas. fine alas. Thefègood fouls {trained and ftretched out themfelves in prayer, as mendo that are running in a race, `Furiores coelo aj lit7i- one fgfii, as On-Atone faith of them. Verfe 6. Peter was (seeping] As having cast himfelf intóGods everlafting arms. So did David, l'fal. 3. So didMr. Rogers our Proto-martyr, inqueen Maries dayes, when he was warned fud- denly to prepare for thefire , hethen being found afleep , fcarce withmuch {hogging could he awaked :at length, being railed, and A . & Mon. bid tomake hate , Then, (faid he) if it be fo,I neednotto ryemy fol. 1356. points. Tw áann ° Verfe 7. And a light fhined in the prifon] Gr. in the habitacle Fa,,, or conclave. So SIqn4irft called the prifonat Athens. SoPetroníuö told (afar, he had rather be with Cato óinnpcuio in the prifon- Phn.in Sotone,Dio cog'. houle, then with him in the Senate-houfe. And he fmtePeter an the fide err] Cuthbert Simfon,a Martyr in Q. Mariesdayes, about midnight, being inprifon{whether ina ilumber or awake, I cannot tell,faithMr.Fox) heard one corn ing in, firft opening the outward door, then the fecond, afterward the third, and fo loOking in tò the faid (uthhért, having no candle or torch, that he could fee, but giving a brightneffeor light mofk comfortable to his. heart, faying Ha unto him, anddeparted a- Aft. & Mon. gain. Who it was he could not tell,nor I daredefine. This that he fol. i S44. faw hedeclared oft to many : at the fightwhereof he received fuch joyfull comfort, that he alfo expreffi d no little folace in tel- ling anddeclaringthefame':. His chairs fell offfrom his 'hands] Prifoners were bound woinlc