Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chapel 2. ri Commentary upon the ACTS. IgI one or two chains to one or twoSouldiers , who (askeepers ) werealfa bound with the fame chains. Verfe 12 wheremany were gathered together praying ] Great is the force of joynt prayer , when Chriftians fet upon God quaff mania faelît , as in Tertullians time , they fackt and ranfackt heaven by their prayers. Precesfundimus, ccelum tun- dimrur, mifericordiam extorquemus , faithhe. We befeechnot Godonly, but we befeige him too : we begnot barely,but bounce at heavengates,&c. Verfe 13. Tohearken ] Before fhe opened , left force purfui- vant or filch like evil! Angel at that time of the night fhouldhave haunted them. Oppofition is. Evangelii genius , faith Calvin. Piety is no Target againft Perfecution. Verfe 15 it is hisAngel ] Or, It is his mefl'enger, or one come from him. See a likeplace Luke 7. 24. Angels ufe not to Randat doore, and knock,and wait for anopening. Verfe .17 Andhe departedandveent ] Cedendum quidem inter- dam furori fed ita tit nihilo negligentiu fiat opus Domini , faith Beta here ; who alfoproves that hewent not now toRome, as thePapifts would have it : though Bellarmineholds it not defide, --that he was ever there, Verfe .i9, That they fhoui /d, be put to death] This was juft in God , but unjuft in Herod. He isfafeft that hash leaft todowith tyrants. Verfe 20 Becaufe their country &c.] Should not Gods ma- nifold mercies move us tomake peace withhim ? will henot elfe curieour bleílings,and deftroy us after that he bath done us good? Jofh. 2.4.20. Verfe 2r Andupon afet day] When therewere folemn (hews andPlayes ar ed in honourof Cafar. God picks out his time to be avenged onhis enemies then when it may bemolt for his glory and theirutter confufron. Herod arraiedinroyall apparel! ] . In clothoffilver , . faithYale- phut , which, being beaten upon by the Sun-beames dazeled the peoples eyes, and drew from them that blafphemous acclamati- on: ,frunchominesdecorant, quern vetimenta decorant. (4,u44112 ávìie The molt, (as it isfaid of the Bohemiancurre) fawn upon a goad fuit. It was a fault of old, ?äm.2.3. Verfe 22 It is the voice of agod] ,ïd}sor Ave -12u 47rusvg, faith Xenophon. Men naturally hear nothing with more delight then their