I 5 2 g.Commentary upon the ACTS. Chap, i-a-4 their owncommendation. Fair words make fooles faine, put them into their paradife. How much better Chaxles the Fifth Job. Manlloc. who coming toParis and entertained with a Speech by one of corn, pag.195. theKings Counfellours, that tended.much tohiscommendation Anfwered,ldeòfabigratam effe orationemquòdeunncommonefeciffet quòdtalù effe deberet. i, e. That the oratour rather taught him what he ought tobe , then told himwhat he had been. Verfe 23 Becaufe he not glory ]7ofeph is crafted withall Potiphars goods , not with his wife. Glory is Gods beloved Spoufe: in the enjoying whereofhe is a jealous God admitting no corrivall in heaven or earth , Efay 42, 8. To look upon it, and luft after it, is to commit fpirituall adultery with it in our hearts. Qxot a,copQW- Andhe was eaten ofPeormes] Or with lice , as his grandfather 7o- Herodhad beenbefore him ; as the tyrant Maximinus ( who had let forth his proclamation ingraven in braffe , for the utter aboli- sic&Sylla Pe- thing ofChrift and hisReligion) was afterhim. So was Philip dicrlaii ""'b° King e Second of Spain who fwore he had rather have no fub- per'üz. Pinar. . p e&sthenLutheran fubjeits. And when bevery narrowly efcaped H(It, oecoun. drowning in a ihipwrack , he faid he was delivered by theTingle cell of Trcnt providenceofGod to root out Lutheranifine_; which he prefent- 4r7 -ly beganto do, &c. But Godwas even withhim loon after. See Scriban. de infitut. Princip. cap.2o. eflndgave up the Chofl ] His death was precationis opuspotitts -quam morbi,as it was faidofArrius the heretick, who was brought Socrat lib. r toconfufon by theprayers: ofAlexander the good bifhopof Con- cap. 15. iantinople. fofephws faith, Herod at his death much complained ofthe peoples vanity in deifying him. But no man is flattered by another that hathnot firft flatteredhimfelf. Verfe 24 But the wordofgod] The Church is invincible : and Truthmay be opprefl'ed a while , but not utterly fiìpprefled. The Ifraelites never increafed fo, as when Pharaoh kept them under. Fifh thrive belt infait waters. The ground that ismolt harrow'd, is molt fruitfull. Camomile the more you tread it, the more you fpread it , and the Palme-trees polie is , Nec premer nec perimor. All the power ofthe Empirecould not prevailagainit Luther. CHA.r.