Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap.r3. ACommentry upon the Aci s. 'C it A ". XI I I. Verfe t Now thereWere &c. iftropRidlyexpounded theAids andPals Epiftles everymot- &ring in his family, giving to every man anewTeftament, hi- ring them betides with mony to learn by heart certain princi- A& & Apo pall Chapters , but efpecially this thirteenth Chapter of the 1570. A.câs. Herodss fofler-brother ] `7'tsercollatanetu. One that had fucked vTP9Z@ ofthe fame milkwith HerodAntipas ; whobeheaded the Baptiff. F The love of fofter-brothers in Ireland faith Camden farre Camd. Eliz. '! furpaffe tit all the loves of all men. But Manaenhated all Chrift. Verfe 2 As theyminiffred] TheGreek Seholiaff hash it, As xei eeytvTCr they preached, which is the cheifoffice ofa Ivliniftier, and his-high.- xnpv'r7óv7rar. eft honour. Others interpret it, Ai they pry ed fo theSyriack , and Arabirk. The Papilts onlyAs theyfacrifit' d, tocountenance their abominable Idollof theMaffe. Verfe 3 Laidtheirhands on them) So feparating and confe- crating them to thework, asthey didofold the beaft for facrifice by laying theirhands thereon. Verfe 4. Sailed toCyprus ] This Iland was accidentally forits wealthcalled Maca,,ia, that is, The bleff'ed. The people there- Tuuk,H.S4l.. in-generally lived foat cafe , and pleafure, that thereof the Band was dedicated to kentu,who was at Paphos efpecially worfhipped, and much filthinefl'e committed': Yet thither are there Apoftles directed by the Holy Ghofl , and agreat man (withmany other,) converted to the Faith. TheRomans were invitedbythe wealth of the place to over-run it , 1ta tit iou ejtts inft Le avarius magic quamjufl'itufrnus of eguti , faithSextus .Rufus. But Chrin(of hi4 free grace) without any filchmotive, feiaedupon it by his Gofpel, andgathereda Church in ir. Verfe 5. At Salamis ] ACityof Cyprus, at the Eaft fide of it, Over againft Syria. Verfe 6. Whole wameiw+.ei f3ariefus ] The fon of jails t fo he had called himfelf, as ifofneareft alliance to our Saviour. The Syriackhathit Barlurrsathe fon ofnameor renown. Verfe 7 Which' zvxt niththeDeputy, ] Thegreatenoppofires to the truth have been ever the greateftCourtiers. Th Arians