I54 R Commentary upon the ACTS. Chap.z '. in their age.. And ofthem the Jefuites learned it , andof them. the Arminians , as V tenbogardtu in the Low-Countries and Canterbury here. Verfe 8. But Elymas ] Etymais is a part of Perfia, thepro- .per-Country of theMagicians , given to divellifh arts. The De- vill daily ,commits the fin againft the Holy Ghoft,' by oppofing theknown. truth. Verfe 9. Who alfo is calledPaul:] Here Saul is firft called Ptzrl for memory ( it isprobable)of the firft fpoiles hebrought into the 'Church,not the head , but theheartofthis Sergius Paulus. The Popes likewife change their namesat their inthronization,to thew, faith the Gloffe ,. ad permuationem nominm , fattam mutationem hominis. But if they change at all, it is for theworfe , as Pius Ha ofCoun fecundus, Sextus 2 intus, ec. Pope Marcellus would needs re: cell ofTrenr tain his old nameto thew his conftancy, and that in his private cu ate he had thoughts worthy of the Popedome. Set his eyes on him] As if he wouldhave looked throughhim, After which lightening,followed that terrible thunder-crack verf: Tuik.H.tO3. i o. Bajazet , ofhis fiery looks ,was firnamed gilderun,or Light- Wing. In Tamerlanes eyes fate fuch a rare maje y, as aman could lbid' 236 hardly induretobelold themwithout clofing of his own : And 'manywith talking with him, and often beholdingof them ,. be- came dumb. The like is reportedof e/fuguflus. And of Saint Bail./ it is repotted that when Valens the Arrian Emperour came unto him, while he was in his holy exercifes , it Bruck fuch a,ter- 6reg. orat. áe rour into the Emperour , that he reeled , and had fallen , had he bauds&..Bpfihi. not beenupheld by thofe thatwere near. him. Godly men have.a dauntingprefence. Verfe 'r o. ofull ofallfubtilty ,. and all mifcheif ] qr. Malefi- ciency, thou that by long dealing haft gotten a dexterity, in eingia evill doing,. &c. This was plaindealing, fuch as Mafter Philpot Martyr ufed to,Morgan , andother Popelings that fet uponhim : Such asMaris, the blindBithopof Bithynia, ufed to Plian the A- poftate. For when ?ulian had. faid tohim , Behold thou.art blind : thinkeft thou thatthe Galilean thy God careth for thee.? iwaris. replyed., O to impie Apoftata , gratias ago Deo meo, qui me cacum.reddidit, ne vultum tuumvideam.ita ad impietatem prolap- fum.. Ó thou wickedÁpoftate L I bide my Lord Chrift who bath made me blind that I might nvt fee thy, curfed.counte- nancee. Enemy