Chap. r 3. A Comtrentary upon the ACTS. Enemy rifall rightaufnefe] The adulterer is an enemy to chat ftity , the drunkard to fobriety, &c. but he that hinderethothers from heaven, is an enemy to all righteoufne(lé. To pervert the right wayes ] To dig them up, to ditch them o- c aaspé¢ua,. ver, fo as they are not gaffe-able. The converlion of great men is of great confequence. Hence Paul was fo loth to lofe the Proconfirl. Verfe i T. Not feeing the Sun] A Philofopher being asked whither it were not a pleafant% thing to fee the Sun? Anfwer- avan zò tipw` ed , That's ablind mans queltion. Life without light is a life-lefl'e life. Verfe 12. Being ijtonifhed cdc.] The word worketh not kind- ly, till it be received with admiration. Verfe 13. John departingfrom] Beingweary ofthe work, he. íhewed them a flippery trick. Many will dofomething for God 'yap fe non thatwillfuffer little or nothing for him, The King ofNavarre ita co ;nuf/n- toldBeza he would launce no further into the Sea, thenhe might r7i4 e/J'et, grún be fure to "return fafe to the haven: Though he fhewed force coon- gttzndo tiberet, tenance to Religion yet he would be fure to fave himfelf. Peden refcrre Verfe 15. ei'nd after the reading] In theSynagogues, the loft. Scripture was firft read , and then opened and applyed : fo it ought to be in the ChriftianChurches. Ifye have any word of exhortation] See the Note on Acts 9- T5'. Verfe 16. eíyndye that fear Cod] This is the proper chara- fter of an Ifraelite indeed. Verfe 17. Chofe our fathers] Separating themby a wonder- full feparation, as the Hebrewword Ggnifieth, Exod. 33. 16. Verfe t 8. Sufferedhe their manners] As a motherbears with her childs frowardneflè : or as ahusband bearswith his wife'scrof- eozomógpElr neífe, whichyet he liketh not. Vxoris vitiusn, aut tollendum , aut tolerandum, faith Varro ineAlgelliuo. Verfe 20. About the fjace r,;.-c. It was not all out fo long thereforehe faith, About thefjiace : thereby teachingus indoubt- edor. full things to deliverour felves doubtfully , and not to be over- confident. See ?oh. 4.6. Verfe 21. Ty the (pace offourty years] Taking in to the ac- compt the dayes of Samuels government. Verfe 22. Fulfill all my will] Gr. All my Wills, to note the n-, =a. univerfality andIincerrityof his obedience. `Ve fhould therefor Vuua