Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

156 A Commentary upon the ACT . Chap.z3. ftrive to do all thewills ofGod,becaufe we havedone heretofore all.the tr ills e theflefb, Ephef 1. a. Verfe 23. ASaviour 7-efv] The.Greekwordhere rendered: Saviour, is foemphaticall , that other tongues canhardly find a fit vidi word to expreffe it, as Oceronoteth. Sot c fs Hocquantum eft f Iramagnum uL ti unaverba exprimi non poffit. Verfe a5. John fulfilled, hú courfe]; From thisword rendered h courfe, theDromedary bathhis name,who is marvellous fwift,and will run anhundredmiles a day. But the Germans call a dull. and . flow man a Dromedary, per Antiphrafn.. Verfe a6.. Thewordof this falvation], Salvation is potentially in theWord, as theharveft is in the feed.. Verfe 27. Read every Sabbath] Many live inplaces of. great, knowledge, andyet remain groffely ignorant, underftand no more what they readorhear, then a Cow-herdcloth the_moft abftrufe precepts of Aftronomy. Verfe z$.. See the NoteonAlum . a7..22.. Verfe 3e.. See the Note on Matt. 18.6. Verfe 33. In the fecondPfaimrs]Erafmus reftifieth,That force an cient copies here, have it, In thefiri Pfalm : Either becaufe the firft and fecondwereof old but one.Pfaim Or_becaufe the fink isnot. properly. a Pfalm ,.but a preface to thePfalms : Like as the, iiy>. Pfalm is fet ( faith one) as a Poem of commendation afore the Bookof. God ;, mentioning it in every verfe., Teitimonies,.Laws,. Statutes,W.ord, &c. This day- have I begotten thee], That is; I have,this dayof thy nianifation in the Beth, made known that thou ionafyhon,as well by my tef}imony of thee ,:asby thine afïü p nature.. Verfe 35. See theNote onAil, 2. 3T.. Verfe 36. After he h. adferved]Martinns decurrabens Donine,dixit; sflfl^ 3 non recufo laborem. Lord ferve f:, udhucpopulo tuo fu:n necef jarìus , thyPelf upon me, and then let medepart in peace. Verfe 40.. Beware therefore left],. Minifters mutt mixLaw and, Gofpell together in their difcourfes... Sowre and_fweet make the heft fawce. Verfe. 42..The gentiles befouuht] Where a-powerfull Miniítc- ry is fetled , thereTome fouls are:to be converted. A Mailer that. :fets up, alight,hathfome _workto be.done.thercbya- To