Chap.14. A Commentary upon the ACTS. Be preachedto them the next Sabbath] Or inthe Interim betwixt the twoSabbaths. Awarrant fort eek-day-lectures. Intraproximé figment Sabbatum : Interjellurn tempos fsgnificatur, faith.Te.ta. Verfe 43. Tocontinue in the grace] Theendis better then the beginning, faithSolomon, Non queruntur in ChrifTanis initia fed: finis, faithHierom. Verfe 45.. Contradilingand blafpheming] Intemperate tongues raufeGod many times to take away the Word. Verfe 5o. The devout and honourable women], Satan per co flutm tanqua rper fcalam adcor afcendit., The Devill breaketh ma- ny amans head withhis own rib. When thehen is fulfered tocrow, Gregor: much evill enfueth.. Satanmakes ufeofwomen ftill_tohindermen. from heaven. Verfe. 51.. See theNoteonMatt.. lo. 14. Cxnrr. X I V Verfe r Anditcametopaffeinrconium_] CEe theNoteon A. 8..i . e Verfe a Made their minds::eviliaffelled] Envenomed.their , minds with rage againft the brethren, but Godmade peace,as the an- `rgrv0cers cient copies adde here.. His peace that paffeth all underflanding newt ex Bcd£ guarded their hearts and.rbinds inChriffjelits. Verfe 4. But the multitude ryas divided], Scinditur incertum podia in contraria vulgus. Chriff came not to fend peacerbut a '` .fword l eeis nothe the carafe of divifion, but the occaíion-onely, ,arid that by accident.. (So fin is the occafion not the catíe:that grace aboundeth.) They that quarrell at Gods ordinances for this?. -stay as well quarrell at the LordsSupper ; . which thougha Sacra- ment of love , a Communion, yet bathoccafioned much diflenti- on : witneffe that bellum Sacramentarium then the whichnever any kindled fooner, is quenched.flowlier. Verfe io, e."I,td he leapedand Walked], Together withPauli.- word there went forth a power i. fo there doth in all holy ordi- nances. rPfal. 146. S. The Lord giveth fight to the blind,. heraifeth .up thecrooked, he loveth the righteous. This Cripple might bevery weltone of thofe righteous whom Godout of, his fpeciall love reltored to the ufe of his limbs. A favour that he granteth fame times to the wicked whom yet he lovethnot.- ïT u_ ti 3,